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participant's profile - TvojOponent

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registration date :
27.11.2016, 14:14
last online :
today, 11:40
themes count :
entries count :
2 204
days at forum :
2 980
contributing speed :
0,74 entries per day
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TO: Je tu niekto so zdrvým rozumom? 18 19.1.2025 15:13
TO: Kde je hranica 44 12.1.2025 17:24
TO: Vrahom bol ateista. Opäť. 73 27.12.2024 21:32
TO: Keď ateista rapuje alebo čo to robí 7 15.11.2024 09:09
TO: Uniklo tajné video z galaprogramu tzv. humanis... 4 12.11.2024 12:44
TO: Potvrdené. Ďaľší ateista podvodník! 6 2.11.2024 13:14
TO: Mečiar zabil krásnu influencerku... 2 22.10.2024 11:48
TO: Rastislav Hanczko, antificovolič 19 24.10.2024 13:21
TO: Ako sankcie zrazili Rusko na kolená 13 20.10.2024 22:28
TO: Popredný liberálny politik... 13 20.10.2024 19:00
TO: Ateista poďakoval bohu 24 16.10.2024 12:53
TO: Muž sa obetoval a porodil... 14 14.10.2024 07:19
TO: Rap mŕtveho sekulárneho humanistu 13 10.10.2024 15:14
TO: Ale totó?! O krásnych futbalistkách 2 8.10.2024 20:07
TO: Keď sekulárny humanista miluje dievčatá 20 6.10.2024 12:19
TO: Brutálna bitka v Tatrách 3 30.9.2024 07:36
TO: Správna otázka feministkám 5 29.9.2024 14:02
TO: Výzva na zavraždenie Fica 34 29.9.2024 15:59
TO: Čo si myslíte o tomto? 19 1.10.2024 13:00
TO: Prečo sa nesmie jesť psie mäso? 79 27.9.2024 20:38
TO: Prečo je komunizmus zlo? 9 10.9.2024 21:54
TO: Rusi sú bratia... 19 31.8.2024 19:18
TO: OH 2020, Japonsko. Keď svet bol normálny 2 29.8.2024 21:02
TO: Dopad sankcií na Moskvu 1 29.8.2024 02:13
TO: Zooizmus ako nadstavba sekhumanizmu 15 29.8.2024 23:50
TO: Finančné postihovanie darcov krvi 84 24.8.2024 13:59
TO: Progresívne časovanie 18 26.8.2024 07:09
TO: Šport, umenie alebo záchvat? 9 11.8.2024 15:38
TO: Méta boxeristiek 2 11.8.2024 19:21
TO: Humanistovi zakázali zvieratá 25 9.8.2024 09:15
1 / 6 next
who consents with the participant mostly :
Kasafran 46
era 27
uchostrapate 22
Milaníčko 20
Nadja 17
djjaro 16
peter67 14
omega 14
clear1 11
ninka 9
with who consents the participant mostly :
EnaXnaY 17
era 17
Dzio 15
Lemmy 13
Ludwig 12
Scarlette 10
Patrick 9
Nadja 9
uchostrapate 8
Alexander 8
who disconsents with the participant mostly :
Lemmy 14
Kasafran 2
with who disconsents the participant mostly :
Lemmy 3
likes to the participant :
era 70
peter67 22
djjaro 17
Wolfsmörder 17
Kasafran 17
Patrick 11
tomas12345 4
d0d0...very best 4 3
HIadiny 3
likes of participant :
era 111
peter67 53
Dzio 43
Milaníčko 37
EnaXnaY 32
Patrick 30
Nadja 30
djjaro 29
Lemmy 24
omega 17
dislikes to the participant :
Lemmy 44
J.Tull 10
tomas12345 6
peter67 2
era 2
Kasafran 1
Milaníčko 1
djjaro 1
TvojOponent 1
Patrick 1
dislikes of the participant :
Lemmy 12
J.Tull 6
Nadja 2
EnaXnaY 2
era 2
HIadiny 1
kntsz 1
TvojOponent 1
Reset 1
ignorations of participant :
ignores of participant :
donations of participant :
together : 0,00 €
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