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Lipka discussion forum

new "Jerusalem"

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information of the day :

meaning of life of the day :

announcement of the day :

Change in lipka ;)

04.11.2024 18:01:34
Important change in lipka 😉

Actions for creation of new themes (images, memes, jokes, etc.) were moved there, where are the "entities" 😉

So, for example to create a theme is possible straight from main page, image from gallery, etc. 😉

link 😉

you are here : 

main page

we have 32 active participants, 10 950 themes and 239 738 entries...

currently discussing on : 

new actual entries participants active

survey from Wolfsmörder, 18.08.2024, 17:52

show surveys from this participant show all surveys
Ste za to, aby Dzio zrušil Lipku navždy ?
Nie. 13
Nechcem odpovedať 10

joke of the day :

22.4.2018 00:25
Cigáň a drevo
Cigáň kradne drevo a chytí ho lesník:
- Cigáň, čo tu kradneš?
Cigáň hovorí:
- To je krmivo pre kravy.
- Odkedy kravy žerú drevo?
- Čo nezožerú, spálim. 😉

citate of the day :

28.6.2018 08:28
Slabosi sú ľudia, ktorí poznajú pravdu, ale zastávajú ju len dovtedy, kým majú z nej prospech. 😉

image of the day :

26.7.2024 14:21

document of the day :

video of the day :

11.8.2024 08:25
4.9.2024 20:59
CodM Zombies Clasic Hradcore All Secreat in Shi No Numa

newest entries : 

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