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information of the day :

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participant's profile - Milaníčko

basic data

name of participant :
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registration date :
19.04.2016, 19:33
last online :
yesterday, 21:53
themes count :
1 602
entries count :
21 576
days at forum :
3 075
contributing speed :
7,02 entries per day
themes entries images jokes citates documents search
theme name entries last
Medzi ne a poriadne 1 yesterday
Kozmetické slzy 18 yesterday
Pochopenie nemožného 22 18.9.2024 16:04
Miško karhá Soňu 1 15.9.2024 20:04
P. Čekan 1 15.9.2024 19:54
Je to borec starec 2 15.9.2024 17:51
Limuzíny a meluzíny 1 15.9.2024 15:06
Málo je niekedy ešte menej no........ 3 11.9.2024 18:52
Ľudská nadľudskosť 10 10.9.2024 19:06
Aj ženáči túžia 6 8.9.2024 18:45
Sestry Vášáryové 1 4.9.2024 19:24
Šimečková ***ačka 5 5.9.2024 22:22
TIK Starý Smokovec 1 3.9.2024 22:38
Mám fasa prasa 9 4.9.2024 18:37
Náhla zmena v žulách 1 1.9.2024 20:04
Váľanie v tŕní 3 31.8.2024 09:48
Pečeňový test 13 31.8.2024 19:21
Brat za brata, syn za syna !!!!!!! 2 2.9.2024 06:14
Obchádzková trasa 1 28.8.2024 19:57
š****Ový prieskum 5 28.8.2024 19:50
Pozor súťaž !!!! 5 26.8.2024 20:12
Pas na baterku 6 25.8.2024 10:28
Okrádajú nás tie svine 23 24.8.2024 21:35
Veľmi nebezpečné búrky 1 24.8.2024 12:12
Žijem tak, aby...................... 1 24.8.2024 09:06
Pivný otčenáš si pri nás 2 23.8.2024 00:52
Veľmi zdravé tipy 5 22.8.2024 18:22
Snové sníčky 1 21.8.2024 18:40
Herci a herečky 14 18.8.2024 09:23
1 / 54 next
who consents with the participant mostly :
Kasafran 1455
peter67 698
ninka 387
Boris 354
omega 340
djjaro 249
era 239
Wolfsmörder 218 203
clear1 167
with who consents the participant mostly :
peter67 1212
Kasafran 974
era 710
Boris 652
djjaro 471 386
omega 347
ninka 309
Wolfsmörder 308
Fialka3 197
who disconsents with the participant mostly :
Kasafran 29
Wolfsmörder 8
Attis 3
peter67 2
clear1 1
dusan_fajnor.personal 1
with who disconsents the participant mostly :
Lemmy 6
Kasafran 3
likes to the participant :
era 932
Kasafran 611
peter67 581 443
Boris 397
d0d0...very best 333
J.Tull 332
djjaro 286
Wolfsmörder 266
tomas12345 47
likes of participant :
djjaro 9
d0d0...very best 9
Boris 6
peter67 6
tomas12345 2
Romankooooo 1
era 1
Wolfsmörder 1
dislikes to the participant :
Wolfsmörder 52
tomas12345 49
Kasafran 29
J.Tull 28
Lemmy 24
d0d0...very best 18
peter67 17
djjaro 15 10
Boris 9
dislikes of the participant :
Lemmy 4651
tomas12345 312
Nadja 80
Fotón 78
Kasafran 77
Romankooooo 64
Scarlette 44
Wolfsmörder 40
ninka 39
EnaXnaY 23
ignorations of participant :
ignores of participant :
donations of participant :
together : 0,00 €
created by dzI/O 2015 - 2024 size : 72 653 B generated in : 0.689 s this site needs to use cookies, to work properly... version : 1.05 ( 27.4.2024 21:45 ) themes displays : 25 000 495 x unique displays : 2 828 226 x ip address :
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