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Lipka discussion forum

new "Jerusalem"

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information of the day :

meaning of life of the day :

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main page  /  profile

participant's profile - Pátrač

basic data

name of participant :
sex :
about participant :
inteligence :
actions :



registration date :
01.11.2024, 21:00
last online :
today, 11:01
themes count :
entries count :
1 334
days at forum :
contributing speed :
36,46 entries per day
themes entries images jokes citates documents search
theme name entries last
Už sa to začalo? 13 4.12.2024 09:32
Podľa teba, kto má na svete najviac sôch? 11 30.11.2024 14:05
Čo je Jethrova láska 8 13.11.2024 22:08
Trump ovládol Šanhgaj!!! 3 13.11.2024 09:21
Skoro všetci už gratulovali Donaldovi 6 7.11.2024 13:18
Milujem Topky 40 8.11.2024 06:52
Hlavný zmysel smrti 3 2.11.2024 19:19
1 / 1
who consents with the participant mostly :
Milaníčko 121
Kasafran 93
Nadja 32
clear1 11
omega 9
era 9
djjaro 2
Wolfsmörder 2
Lemmy 2
J.Tull 1
with who consents the participant mostly :
Milaníčko 96
era 78
Nadja 51
J.Tull 36
Wolfsmörder 25
Lemmy 21
Kasafran 20
Fotón 10
djjaro 7
solo 4
who disconsents with the participant mostly :
Lemmy 4
Attis 1
Kasafran 1
era 1
with who disconsents the participant mostly :
Lemmy 1
Milaníčko 1
tomas12345 1
Kasafran 1
era 1
Nadja 1
likes to the participant :
era 148
J.Tull 90
Wolfsmörder 36
Kasafran 20
djjaro 4
Nadja 3
TvojOponent 2
kntsz 2
Attis 2
Lemmy 1
likes of participant :
era 31
Nadja 29
Milaníčko 28
Lemmy 16
Kasafran 12
J.Tull 12
Fotón 9
Wolfsmörder 8
Dzio 5
omega 4
dislikes to the participant :
Lemmy 7
J.Tull 5
Wolfsmörder 2
tomas12345 1
Milaníčko 1
dislikes of the participant :
Lemmy 1
ignorations of participant :
ignores of participant :
donations of participant :
together : 0,00 €
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