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Lipka discussion forum

new "Jerusalem"

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if you want to discuss, you must... registrater
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information of the day :

meaning of life of the day :

you are here : 

main page  /  profile

participant's profile - kntsz

basic data

name of participant :
sex :
about participant :
Často ma berú príliš vážne, prečo asi?
inteligence :
actions :




registration date :
18.02.2018, 22:18
last online :
yesterday, 19:00
themes count :
entries count :
days at forum :
2 419
contributing speed :
0,17 entries per day
themes entries images jokes citates documents search
theme name entries last
Trolovia a užitoční idioti 38 29.9.2024 08:51
Pre ruských agentov 15 30.3.2022 12:14
mimochodom.... 5 29.3.2022 16:37
Neviem či smiať a či smútiť. 101 11.3.2022 16:34
ako zachrániť 2 14.7.2018 21:02
Úvod 2 24.2.2018 10:18
1 / 1
who consents with the participant mostly :
peter67 10
Ludwig 6
ninka 6
Dušan 5
Fotón 4
era 4
djjaro 3
BlairWitch 3
Romankooooo 2
TvojOponent 2
with who consents the participant mostly :
EnaXnaY 28
Nadja 19
Lemmy 13
era 9
peter67 7
Ludwig 7
Fotón 5
HIadiny 5
Alien 5
Scarlette 4
who disconsents with the participant mostly :
Kasafran 4
with who disconsents the participant mostly :
likes to the participant :
HIadiny 6
era 5
solo 1
Lemmy 1
Boris 1
Astax 1
tomas12345 1
peter67 1
likes of participant :
Dzio 9
Lemmy 7
Nadja 7
Patrick 5
Fotón 5
era 5
HIadiny 5
Scarlette 5
EnaXnaY 4
Vladimir 2
dislikes to the participant :
Milaníčko 10
Boris 5
Kasafran 3
peter67 1
Lemmy 1
TvojOponent 1
dislikes of the participant :
Scarlette 2
ninka 1
Lemmy 1
ignorations of participant :
ignores of participant :
donations of participant :
together : 0,00 €
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