nový "Jeruzalem"


my life is lonely...

v1.04 28.02.2024 18:47
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My life is lonely,
and I am not yet at my destination,
but I will not go to the other side,
until I fulfill the love story.

I must always think,
that I would like to be your honey,
your nose, eyes, ears, hair,
have inspired me these words of love.

Your smile, sincere and kind,
gave me another strength,
I would survive this day,
when I feel like a dry stump.

And my heart breaks hard,
because my life is a great torment,
I stand here again and again alone,
only you can be my happiness.

Mountains, forests, broad plains,
today divide our hands,
but one day they will meet, they will unite into one,
I promise you that, my love.

Because I still carry you in my mind,
I am sad and please God,
let me find my way to you at once,
and I will walk to the end of the world.

You are waiting for me in the distance,
and you are sometimes afraid of the black darkness,
I am already riding the white horse,
no wind, no one will catch me.

Through a dusty, bumpy road,
a meadow full of beautiful flowers,
even if it takes many years,
nothing will stop my steps.

I found you my sweet,
my hand handle your hair smoothly,
our hands are joined together,
when I found you at dawn.

My story will not end,
yours will interfere with mine,
and the hand will gently caress your cheeks,
forever, my little princess.
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