nový "Jeruzalem"

Today's man

today's man is still just thinking...

v1.04 01.03.2024 18:29
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Today's man is still just thinking,
how he'd get everything easy,
without effort, without movement,
especially if it takes a short time.

If only he'd try harder,
not just lie around crying all the time,
waiting for the pigeons,
to fly into his mouth.

It's our nature,
doing nothing, crying all the time,
common sense falters,
he'll be slacking off at work again.

The best is on the couch,
but he himself is a gypsy,
that this cannot be moved,
and it's hard to bend your back.

Swim with the current, that's it,
your waist will go slack,
listening to lies, promises,
of those who are complacent.

Nobody can give that much,
as much as I can promise,
try to remember this,
before you vote again.

The only dream of the blue, yellow...
is to play in the sandbox,
and their pockets full,
to get even more profit.

They don't give a damn about the common people,
and they will not find peace of mind,
until they have devoured the whole mound,
I would smash their heads with a rock.

That's them, we know them,
worse than that thirsty monk,
who preaches water and drinks wine,
and makes the sheep drunk.

It's no use, my people,
A knight in golden armour has come,
He will draw the net into the water,
and pulls the fish out of the stream.
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