What is what in IT
is, among other things, a malicious computer program that records everything you type on your keyboard, including words, characters and symbols, and sends all recorded details to hackers
More information, which may be usefull to you, may be found after login at it-portal.sk
• Identify assets and their owners • Identify threats • Identify vulnerabilities that threats could exploit • Identify the probabilities and impacts of risks<... viac...
is an electronic trail made up of data and information that every user leaves behind every time they access the Internet
Source: it-portal.sk
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SMS messages or e-mails that promise price discounts, profit, or any other financial benefits are of course tempting. However, you must not run into them.
Source: KCCKB
we have a Firewall so I am safe from attacks
Source: it-portal.sk
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National Office for Cyber and Information Security show link
The Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies show link
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Vyhláška Národného bezpečnostného úradu, ktorou sa ustanovujú znalostné štandardy v oblasti kybernetickej bezpečnosti show link
Zákon o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov show link
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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems — Part 1... viac...
Source: ISO
Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems — Part 2: Privacy information management systems
Source: ISO
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To ale neznamená, že sú jediné
Source: Google Maps
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Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.
Reasons to be at MWC Barcel... viac...
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