What is what in IT
Assessment of the severity of impacts
• Catastrophic • Serious • Medium • Minimal • Negligible
Source: it-portal.sk
• Prieskum • Chobocina2 • Počiatočný prístup • Spustenie • Prístup k povereniam a eskalácia privilégií • Bočný pohyb • Zber a exfiltrácia • In... viac...
Source: it.portal
• Know your assets • Know your threats • Define your RTO and RPO • Set up sites for disaster recovery • Test backup and restore services
is a risk that a person is willing to accept, or admit, undergo
is any information you knowingly post online, opinions, ratings, social media interests, photos, addresses, family information, searches, videos watched, music listened t... viac...
is a summary of measures in the relevant area to reduce the probability of the occurrence of dangerous situations
is a system of measures aimed at the protection of classified facts during their creation, receipt, registration, transport, storage, reproduction, elimination and storag... viac...
• Catastrophic • Serious • Medium • Minimal • Negligible
Source: it-portal.sk
means the possible time of use of the service, hardware, software or other resources for operation, given in %.
• 3 Copies • 2 Media • 1 Location outside
Source: it.portal
• 3 Copies • 2 Media • 1 Location outside - Off-site • 1 Backup without connectivity - Offline • 0 Error
Source: it.portal
• Business continuity team • List of basic services • Criticality factor of basic services • Action plan to maintain the basic service • Key customers viac...
is information that is stored on your computer and is subsequently used to track your activity, visited pages, what you search for, what you buy in e-shops, etc.
Source: it.portal
is a data storage intended for their backup, which is separated from the production environment, which makes the data more securely stored. Before each further data stora... viac...
is a set of processes, best practices and technology solutions that help protect critical systems, network and data from unauthorized access or attacks
Source: it.portal
is a space that is intended for the continuous operation of computer servers, systems and data storage.
is any information you knowingly post online, opinions, ratings, social media interests, photos, addresses, family information, searches, videos watched, music listened t... viac...
▪ The affected entities must register an overview of subcontractors ▪ Subcontractors are obliged to report security incidents ▪ The obligation of the affected ent... viac...
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Atlassian vydal softvérové opravy na riešenie štyroch kritických chýb vo svojom softvéri, ktoré by v prípade úspešného zneužitia mohli viesť k vzdialenému spusteniu kódu.
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▪ strong two-factor authentication ▪ electronic signature ▪ safe storage of cryptographic keys ▪ storage of third-party certificates ▪ setting specific se... viac...
Source: it.portal
small or medium-sized companies are not targets for hacker attacks
Source: it-portal.sk
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Zákon, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon č. 69/2018 Z. z. o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov a ktorým sa menia a... viac...
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Zákon, ktorým sa mení zákon č. 69/2018 Z. z. o kybernetickej bezpečnosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov show link
Source: Časová verzia predpisu účinná od 30.06.2022
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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security management systems — Requirements
Source: ISO
Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors
Source: ISO
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To ale neznamená, že sú jediné
Source: Uptime Institute
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Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.
Reasons to be at MWC Barcel... viac...
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