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tému vytvoril(a) 29.5.2018 22:15 lovelydreamer

4. lovelydreamer 30.05.2018, 09:36

tak par slov ? OK.

"How do we date...

— We have stoped to do affords. We simply don't see sense in it. It was always said to us that in the sea there is a lot of fish and it will be enough for all. But now all this fish is directly under our fingers — in phones and tablets, in applications for dates — take as you want. We can order to ourselves the person the same as we order iPad in online store. With delivery. We consider that the love is to send each other smilies. And message...

30.05.2018, 12:17
Nestačí. Joey Belladonna je lepší.
ako odpoveď na :

3. EnaXnaY 30.05.2018, 07:54

Mohla si napísať aspoň pár slov k téme 😉

O čom tu budeme diskutovať? 😉

30.05.2018, 09:36
tak par slov ? OK.

"How do we date...

— We have stoped to do affords. We simply don't see sense in it. It was always said to us that in the sea there is a lot of fish and it will be enough for all. But now all this fish is directly under our fingers — in phones and tablets, in applications for dates — take as you want. We can order to ourselves the person the same as we order iPad in online store. With delivery. We consider that the love is to send each other smilies. And message "good morning" equivalent to a hero move. We say that the romanticism has died. Perhaps, it is so, but, maybe, we need just to invent it anew. Perhaps the romanticism is presently - to put aside phone and to look each other in eyes. Perhaps romanticism is still nearby, just we don't know how it looks."

staci ?
ako odpoveď na :

1. lovelydreamer 29.05.2018, 22:15

30.05.2018, 07:54
Mohla si napísať aspoň pár slov k téme 😉

O čom tu budeme diskutovať? 😉
ako odpoveď na :
29.05.2018, 22:15

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