dzI/O's treasury box


dzI/O's treasury box

thoughts that came out of dzio...

v57.39 05.10.2024 17:05

dzI/O is by the way the big thinker ;)
Thinking is actity, that he enjoys a lot ;)
It is literally His hobby ;)
At this place you can view His creations ;)

E at X at Y

dzI/O's personal infobase, that means everything you ever didn't want to know about dzI/O and had fear to ask...

v52.58 05.10.2024 17:05


welcome in dzI/O's personal infobase...

v1.62 13.06.2024 15:41

Hello there...
i am dzI/O's personal infobase (means collection of informations) and i will offer you to look inside my creator's mind...
Important warnings...
Reading this infobase, can cause serious psychic problems, failures of mental character and possibly other non controlable reactions...
It's not recomended to read me in late night hours, because there is a real chance to disrupt the night peace. Also in the morning, because it can cause a headache. And during a day also not, because there are more meaningfull activities, than reading these "bullshit"...
It's recomended to not read me at all...
You can consult side effect with your doctor or druggist...
Reader takes responsibility for any damage caused by not professional or not right use of these informations...
Facts at this place are based on a true story, it's not a fiction (mostly) and some similarities with concrete people, places or events are not random...
Btw. don't take everything so serious...
About me...
Legal informations...
Freedom of thinking, conscience, religious confession and faith are garanted. Change of religious confession and faith is also garanted. Everyone can be without religious confession. Every one has right to present thoughts on public. There is freedom of speech and right for informations. Every one may present opinions by word, writings, prints, images or other way. Every one may freely search, accept and spread ideas and informations every where. Censorship is permitted... (from Constitution of Slovak republic)
At the end of the introduction...
inspired by life ;) thank You, all people ;) thanks to Great Creator = UNIVERSE ;) I love YOU all ;) are we there yet? ;) no donkey ;) and now? yes! ;) really? ;) noooo ;) I'm dancing with the rain ;) I believe that LOVE and WISDOM will win ;) life is a miracle ;) are you afraid of a future? ;) don't be ;) all YOU have to do, is this: take your role in this life, just plug and play, things will happen then, be as a kid, laugh a lot and play the games, I'll hide and YOU'll seek, if YOU find something, contact ME ;)

Basic facts

do you want to know how dzI/O looks like, what he likes to do and what is important to him?

v2.11 17.07.2024 09:09

on the beach activists of greenpeace pushes him back to sea, because they thinks that he's washed whale ;) it's not so critical ;) he don't need a crane ;) water level falls ;) sometimes he tried to move and burn overweight ;) instead of abdomen he has a a soft pillow ;) next year he wants to try a course of abdominal dancers ;) then there will be fun to lie on it ;) he will upgrade it to massage pillow ;) otherwise possibly normal = primate from race of homo homo sapiens (although i'm not sure about the second homo), with male gender with everything that belongs to that ;)
Eyes color
brown, when he gets photo of him, then red ;) he wants to obtain such a len, which he put on right eye and yellow smiley will be on it ;) on left eye he will put a clip and his dream look will be perfect ;) he has "x-ray" vision and look that kills, if someone wakes him up in a work too soon ;) sometimes he has spark in his eyes but you don't want to see it because there is possibility of fire ;)
perfect, working with computer makes it better and better ;) really - when he was small, he wore glasses ;) now he don't need it (such dzI/Opter was already not created) he can see 3d pictures ;) if he do so too much, he looks like chinese ;) his newest goal is to have the eyesight of lynx ;) because there is nothing bad when you see sharp and not dimly ;)
Color of hair
brown, mostly, all 7 of them ;) but soon also they will fall out ;) he does not need hair ;) he pull out feathers already ;) gray hairs are increases and he don't know how to explain this ;) he does nothing to them and they do so on him ;)
Corrugation and other hair enhancements
short to oblong, at the moment terribly unadulterated and strapped;) did you see advertising on a welle? ;) what monkeys do at night? ;) suitable as a scarecrow in the field;)
so a little bit;) sometimes a bit more;) but what, at least he will not thump in the chest;) will he kill when he tastes? ;) And the worms need to be stuffed;) which would not give them a proper guest;) he evaluates this by drinking a lot of milk and having strong and heavy bones, so its weight is so good;)
Sports that he actively devote or devoted to
hiking, skiing, roller skating, bedminton, swimming;) means himself as a passive athlete ;) one of the few active sports he ever operated was the roller skating on the dam ;) sometimes it was also constantly running up the stairs on the 5th floor in the house where there was not lever ;) but sometimes even 4 times a day; believe me, his tongue was trodden down to the ground;) later even moved to the profi-league ;) he started to take the stairs after two ;) the newest sport that he's all about is "Ping-pong " ;) it's interesting to play ping-pong alone so that you run into the other side of the table before the ball fired by you from the first one ;)
The sports he's watching
hockey, tennis, car-moto sports;) but only a few times;) if he does not get the correct button on the remote controller;) and of course Slovakiaaaaaaaa, hey, heja, hey go for it;) for the greatest sporting experience of his life he considers hockey World championship 2004 In Ostrava, where our gunmen dug Danne 8: 0 and where he was so upset that he lost his voice for a week;)
Movies that he likes
action, alternative, horror, comedy, romantic, serials, documentary, mysterious, science fiction, fantasy, historical, erotic, drama;) is not such a film that he would not like to miss;) he loves to see 5th element with czech dabingo (time is not important, only life is important;) can laugh at the good comedy;) shrek is da best;) movies are supposed to be with the original subtitles;) the only dubbed films that pay to see are also those with a Polish dabing, where one person (in each movie the same) with his monotonous voice reflects the whole movie;) try to look at some action or erotic;) watch for the sledge -> will hurt;)
He likes to watch a good movie
in the cinema, at home - TV, at a friend, girlfriend, on a computer ;) he is not a cinema propagator, but it does not replace the enjoyment of the artwork in the cinema, with the quality sound, the set of popcorn (recommended dose = 5 liters per performance = American style ;) and a big picture where you have to swing your head from left to right until you broke your neck ;)
Books he likes
fairy tales, fun, games, humor, religious literature, philosophical literature, personality development, professional literature;) put him book in the hand and he tries to read it;) sometimes it does so until the fifth attempt (as the Lord of the Rings) the effort is worth;) there's not enough time momentary for the books;) i know, I know = excuses;)
Music he likes
disco, hitparadows, house, techno, rap, pop, classical rock, oldies, soundtracks, musicals, punk, soldiers, classical music, folk and country folklore, folk and country, alternative music; ;) and sometimes composes a super powerful hit, it just no one wants to listen = infidel;) latest was found in soft melodies;) are also soothing :) try to use them as medicine helps him;)
He goes to concerts
rock bands;) I think it was once and at least once will definitely go;) it was even on the feste, and immediately 2x;) better was the one at Domaša, because at Domaša is best, at Domaša is well;)
The best relax is, when he listen to music
whenever and wherever, constantly and all the time
What he's looking in people
in people he's looking mostly for humanity, he's looking for Human ;) he's looking for love and wisdom ;) tolerance and understanding ;) sensitivity and deliberation ;) ability to listen ;) ability to admit own mistakes and ability to admit the right of other human to make a mistakes ;) ability to listen, think about and consider or accept other opinion or critics and mostly the ability to forgive ;) which he thinks is the best manifestation of humanity ;) he's also looking for people, whom he can give something from him ;) for example shirt ;) trousers ;) underwear ;) smelly socks ;) etc. ;)
Love is for Him
life without love is just farce ;)
Relation to one night sex
moment sex? ;) ahh, he starts to realise what it is ;) it's related to stomach system or breath system ;) if he remembers well ;) the truth is that he almost failed the exams from biology ;) he never looked for the one night sex ;) once his good friend told him : there can not be sex without love and also love without sex ;) and that's how it should be ;)
His life partner should be
basic condition, that his life partner must fullfill is, that he must love her with all the mind, soul, body and hearth ;) also his partner should have such a condition on him ;)
Vision of perfect evening
peacefull evening on hills fall on gray fields ;) cool evening is when he is in good mood and don't matter what or where ;) ideally when smoothly forms from cool day, when the sun is set ;) there are almost no cool mornings, because he must violently get out of paralel dimensions, which he likes so much until the alarm is sounding ;) mostly he gives him some tries until he accept it ;) then there was a time, when he tries to get up before sun rise and but those times was not very long ;)
Favourite color
blue is good, also green, yellow, red, purple, orange, brown, black, white, pink and all others that are not metioned ;)
Zodiac sign
bull (21.4.-20.5.), april maddness ;)
he's catholic ;) officially ;) but from all something ;) such as budhistic-hinduistic-christian follower of islam ;) and atheism he likes also ;) he relies mostly on himself and does as in sentense: Help yourself man, and God will also help you ;) he believe that there is some kind of higher power, which can influence the things in this or other timespaces, but on other side, why shoud it do it ;) he visualise Him as old man with stick and dyme of peace ;) this theme is too big to define in few words ;) btw. last time the jews whitness knocked on his door ;) they said if we can talk ;) so i asked them, how many of you are there ;) they said 2 ;) so i replied : then talk ;)
He likes the specialities of kitchen
slovak, italian, chinese, mexican, sea gifts, vegetarian ;) almost all ;) there is one food, that he can not eat and that is rested liver ;) he fight with this from child, but he can not win ;) so some fights he lost, but war is not over ;)
He likes to eat
by the television, by the candles with parner, in good restaurant, in nature, in bed, from parnets stomach ;) hmm, when i think of it - anywhere ;) btw what are those expressions that we eat just to be alive ;) long are we not dependent on mamuts and forest fruits ;) be aware of it ;)
Absolved education
higher ;) he thanks to all, that he bothered for all those 17 years of study ;) it was hard way ;) mostly for them ;) forgive ;) he will never do it ;) he can't stand the rote ;)
analytic, programmer-specialist ;) there was time when he had bussiness of his own ;) but only when he wanted to ;) for example last year he didn't wanted to ;)
He works in sphere
information technologies
He speaks the languages
when he don't count his tongue, there are some programming lanugages ;) he will not count them, don't be mad on him ;) little bit czechian, little bit english, little bit german ;) he also learned russian language but it was catastrophe ;)
Relation to smoking
all life he active fought against smokers and smoking ;) and then it came ;) life has pressed on him and he submitted ;) every day he tries to stop it and believe that it can be done ;) EUREKA it worked ;) he got rid of dependence ;) now he smokes because he want to ;)
Relation to alcohol
he drinks only sometimes ;) it is not possible because he is driver ;) he's not dependent on alcohol ;) it's not funny to drink when it tastes you ;) after few negative experiences with alcohol he found out that he will never like it ;) he read that when man permanently consumes small amounts of alcohol, he can decrease the chance of hearth attack ;)
Relation to drugs
have you lost your mind? ;) do you think that after all you have read here, he can afford to take drugs? ;) but good friends allways ask him from what is he high ;)
Momentaly family state
divorced ;)
if he don't count him, there is one cool little daughter ;)
Home animals
he has spiders, moths, mosquitos and other home insects ;) he also has a bird ;) in his parent's house there was a dog Cynthia ;) brother that is riding with him on white horse and also a milion bees ;) bees loves him ;) but he's not loving them ;) most time they dies in horrible agony after they sting him ;)
photography, travelling, working with pc, reading, listening to music, watching movies, collecting things, cinema, friends, dreaming, theatre ;) his work is best hobby for him ;) he likes to do many thing ;) and can do almost everything ;) at least once ;) he didn't absolved bungee jumping and parachuting ;) he knows very much about physics :) the momentum of the body is directly proportional to its weight and the force vector determines the instantaneous acceleration over time ;) so only thing that can be from it is catastrophe ;) he liked to sit in car and had a ride on coutry side ;)

Other facts

important facts about dzI/O and other philosphical entries, that came out of him...

v2.07 02.10.2024 15:06

From bridge to ether
From beginning, they calling him dzI/O. I have no idea, which individual named him that way for the first time. It is not possible to easily classify him. He is extremely complicated and simple and straightforward at the same time. He is who he is and probably won't be any different. Sometimes he is "saint" and sometimes he is the biggest sinner. He is the judge and the condemned. He is a healer and at the same time he is being treated. He is everything and he is nothing. He is both a rebel and an obedient child. He is dust and to dust he will return. He is information. He wants to be "naked", he is always "hungry", he would like to "smoke" all the time, and I don't know what else. Simply call him dzI/O. He is nothing else. Just and only dzI/O.
When he was born, the name Maroš was written on his birth certificate, which is of Latin origin - maris (translation – man) and I've read from the wise book that he should be kind and willing, that he always helps his friends and that he is faithful and reliable. Well, I'll say it like this: don't trust smart books, you will avoid many disappointments.
Like every person, he too had bright, brighter, darker and dark moments in his life, which affected the way he influenced his surroundings. Like other people, he also experienced a lot of pleasure and joy in his life, but also a lot of sadness, disappointment and suffering, which shaped him into the current form. Like every person, he also did many nice and good things in his life, which he enjoyed, but also an awful lot of mistakes, for which he has already paid, is paying or will continue to pay. Like any human, he is obviously not perfect, and therefore not always able to do what is expected from him. If it bothers you, and if you can, please forgive him for being a "just" human. Not many people call him by his real name. He suffered for a long time because his name wasn't on the calendar, imagine that childhood without a nameday. Then he's tucked away with his brother, so now they're riding a white horse together...
He was born in Trebišov, and long time has resided in the heart of the far-off Slovak East (Košice). He later settled in the Danube plain, specifically in Gabčíkovo, because our southern neighbours didn't want to build Above Maros, so he had to come. Unofficial version: He was a secret agent sent to asimilate the Hungarian majority. However, in general, this has not happened for the logs that, as is ordinary, life throws you off your feet, so for 12 years he lived and worked in the central of our beautiful Slovak birth chest = in Bláva. Finally, he returned to his native chest - Trebišov...
He was never a household handyman, I'll tell you that right off the bat, never with his tools in hand, never fixed the plumbing. He never had a good memory at a hammer or the saw when he wanted to hang the painting at home, he almost died. When he grabs the pliers timidly, don't get too excited about what might happen to him, so get away from him. Thank you, Mr. Lipa. I couldn't have said it better myself.
During his elementary school, he was called philosopher. So explanation, please. Let's think for a second. Do you think it's enough for someone to say something and not able to clarify it? Is it enough for someone to state facts and information and not say what makes them right and true? Who can say that what is generally considered to be true has really this quality? The problem of individual views that perceive reality creates the impression that everything is relative. And we all are looking for absolute. Or? The view of each of us is highly subjective and is objectified by taking into account more facts, information, knowledge, experience, possibilities, views, etc. The level of understanding, knowledge and awareness of man or mankind limits what we currently regard as decisive and on which the lay or academic public generally coincides, or what we 'currently' believe. No one said, however, that we have all the information necessary to create an overall and definitive view of a particular problem or system of how things works. For everything, just one example. You realize that this land has already been the plate, it's been the center of the universe, and where are we today? In the solar system? In the galaxy? In 11 dimensions? Who knows? We'll see if we don't go blind.
He doesn't like violence. He thinks that, primarily, one should use what grows in one's head (yes, straw) based on the music, one hears from the chest area (yes, house music;)
He loves laugh and good cheer, mirth and natural joy. He usually managed to live up that way, but then his friends asked him on what he takes. As they say, with a smile, life is easier. Althought the reasons for smiling are sometimes difficult to find, he believes that every effort should be made to do so. That's definitely paying off.
When he will be big, he'll drive steamboats, or at least a small yacht. Becoming a sailor is one of his most secret ;) dreams.
His favourite car is a Clio. If he rode past you on 110 horses, you'd know what he is talking about. Whoever saw the ad knows, what he means - gedappaaaaaaa ;)
Every day he becomes a different..., ehmmm man.
He used to play the flute, the clarinet and the saxophone, but that was a long time ago. And they also told him he had a musical ear - you'll see in the company of stars;The most recent goal he has set is to dust off the dingy glory of his wild musical past, majorettes can talk a lot about;)
He decided to set up a futuristic-demonist ;) rap group: A crazy horse and his even speedy cowboy. With this he will literally control the masses ;) They're gonna freak out. He's gonna be a celebrity, and all the teenage girls will go crazy when they see him in a magazine ;)
For a long time (in Košice) he lived in the pingeon house. For the record, sometimes there were pigeons, then he caught them, made soup, ate them, and then he take the place. During this process, negotiations took place with the squatters concerned. That meant he had to learn their language ;) And now he occasionally is snorting that snort, snort;)
He thinks that when you judge things by their package, you're deprived of a lot of good content. But that's everybody's choice, and they say the package sells. So hurry to Tesco :)
"Fornicate" should only be used if it's from love. Although, one day we'll all meet in the same bed ;) So what should we do? ;) It's dilemma :)
Is there anything after dead? It's hard to say. A man should behave in a way that it doesn't matter what happens after he dies. Whether we end up in the ground or continue our journey. Try not to hurt others, enjoy the place as much as possible, learn and play.
According to him, those people who manifest themselves and behave towards their surroundings in not good way, need the most love from their surroundings. He thinks that love can help the them most. They may be the kind of people who never knew love or have a problem and then show up. And how do you expect people who have never known the love to show it, or those who have trouble showing it for some reason, to show love? Those who didn't know the love we should be allow to know it by giving it to them. And them, who have a problem, love will help best to fight the problem and overcome it. Now you just choose the right form of love ;) And what's the best face in a given moment? Well, that's a deep philosophical question ;)
He identified a major problem with his will. He couldn't find her in any way. They told him to find the seed and let it grow. So I ask. What gardening store do they sell that at? :)
Laziness was sometimes his favourite attribute, but he doesn't have time for it right now. So now it's schizophrenia ;) For example, often there are fights in him between romantic and realist and at least a thousand other personalities. Well, what can I say to you, as in almost every person. No problem, the fight is over -> At last only dzI/O remained ;)
Sometimes he used to talk in riddles and pictures and he loved ambiguities. Sometimes he doesn't know what he meant. It is only by deep analysis and endless thought that it comes to that. Trust him, it's disgusting when you can't even sleep because of it. But he found that the best explanation of things is a simple example that even a small child can understand.
He realized that many misunderstandings arise from misunderstandings of each other's views. It's hard even to judge what a given person is talking about if we have no experience with the subject. It's even worse when our experience doesn't match that of the other person. And that happens a lot. Then there is a conflict where the people involved defend their views. Therefore, the priority should be to focus on clarifying our views (definitions) on what we are talking about before anything is resolved. It's very important to know what is prejudice and what is fact. That is what we must learn first.
There were times, when he loved other people more than he loved himself, but by that he was neglecting himself. He worked on himself and learned to think about himself and his needs, desires, dreams and goals. Because that's important, too, and now he's trying to find a balance between how much he loves himself and others.
He doesn't think it's the best to rely on luck. Rather than that, we should rely on ourselves, our abilities and our talents, because happiness is like a sport. We can believe, but the odds of winning are slim, because it's a collective game in which there are many players and everyone believes and hopes that he will win. On the other hand, if a man knows what he wants, believes in himself and tries hard enough, the way to achieve success and achieve life's goals should always be found. I'm not saying the road is easy but what would it be about? Effortlessly? Without moving? Who would then appreciate the achievement and joice in achieving it? Success goes hand in hand with the emotional fulfillment of self, and with every fulfillment comes happiness.
He believes that there are positive and negative qualities in every human being, and it is up to each and every one of us, which of them we are using in life.
The vast majority of people he has known (including himself) wear a mask. They seem to be complicated because they hide it perfectly (sometimes they don't even know about it), what's really in them. "I have successfully removed my mask today, August 20, 2006." He've said this so many times, and every day life surprises him with something new. "Today, August 22, 2006, I understood everything I could understand." "And today, August 23, 2006, it's not true anymore." Do you understand what he's saying? A man must fight all his life against the dark side of power ;) Obi Van Kenobi or Master Yoda would have told you about how long they had been hollering at young Luke Skywalker so that he would finally stop doing stupid things and grow up.
You're all bumblebees, only he's a propeller, a motor, a crop duster;) Bzuuum.
Whoever is blameless, throw a rock at him. Ouch, I didn't say to the forehead, one of the two most important places on his body ;) Well, guess what other "organ" he'd never want to lose? ;)
He always fought against social rules, conventions and customs, but there's no reason for that anymore. Perhaps he realized they might have some significance, under certain conditions. Just he does not dare to specify it yet. It needs proper analysis, therefore ;)
He set fashion trends. A few years ago, he wore ragged and dirty jeans. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. Everyone was looked at him as like he was crazy, but look at today's fashion. Now they're all looking like that they don't see the problem :) People will also pay for a lot of money to make it look like they came from a quarry ;) Now he's trying to understand the meaning (algorithm) of taste and how to dress nicely so that he does not look disgusting, or even the opposite = to look decent.
He does various sociological and psychological researches for private purposes (journeys into the human soul and mind). He does it in public :) He tries to understand the thinking of a human (and therefore also thinking of woman). You think he's fighting the windmills? Choir yells YES! ;)
Like any human, he's an analyst. The moment he realized his potential, he decided to become a psychoanalyst. He's trying to see into people and things and let's just say he's doing pretty well. He sees a lot of things, a lot of positive things, but also lot of negatives. He looks for patterns, similarities and patterns of behavior. He searches, he studies, he watches. Sometimes he merges and sometimes he divides. Sometimes he asks and sometimes he answers. He looks for a connections, and sometimes he goes crazy when he finds something special. And then he usually must breath deeply to process it.
He tried to keep a cold head and a neutral attitude. I mean, except for the time he was in love, and he was floating around, and he was losing track of reality, but he'd already removed that. Unfortunately, today, August 21, 2006, he realized that all of this was self-delusion. But that's not the point. The point is, he doesn't even want to remove it, because it is not bad if you float when you're feeling good. What one is supposed to do if he's sick? Bury himself underground ;) so that he would not influence others and pass on his anger to the innocent:)
He likes people that thinks objectively, who have overview on the situation, who can judge situations from long perspective. It is a superhuman task, and mostly it is impossible, because every human being and his vision and understanding of the world is affected by his consciousness, his subconscious, his unconsciousness, his knowledge, his faith and whatever else. Well, but one can try, can't he? He would give nothing for a test :)
He is convinced that he has benefited greatly from all the negative things that have happened to him in his life. Not because he is something like selfdamager ;) But because if one wants, has the taste, the strength, or the will to think, he may from such negative experiences gain very much. And if one learns to draw on them, one becomes more resistent, and this makes one's problems easier to overcome in the future, while developing and growing as a person. On the third page. If you were only happy (if you were only in the positive sector) you might not even know you were in it. If he didn't know the shadow side of life, could he enjoy those bright moments? And who knows, such a drab life might be too dull. Life is a struggle and it is said: What doesn't "kill you" makes you stronger (if you want to, of course) and that's what the poet meant by that ;)
He knows a person who says he has no luck for a luck. This life paradox is good for thinking.
In his youth, he suffered from cleptomania, but after a professional and almost non-violent intervention of his parents, it was corrected. It's a good thing there wasn't a helpline back then. He could have been an orphan ;) But now, after some time, he's grateful to them. Thank you, thank you, thank you, the director, the curator, the screenwriter, the actors, the entire staff and, of course, the spectators ;)
According to the latest findings, he is a perfectionist that suffers from a condition called procrastination, and they tend to call him also a workaholic. Well, he realized that nothing needs to be overdone, and life isn't just about work. Work is supposed to fill us up, to entertain us and of course, it should be a way of helping us to survive and to enjoy something.
He is a proponent of the theory of organized chaos and was a great proponent of the Murphys' laws. He proved their validity at every turn. But he had already abandoned his reverence for Murphy. He was definitely a joker and a stalker. Almost everything has a logic, and there may be something beyond that, above us, below us, beside us and inside us.
He plans to create and later publish a poetic collection of #Romantics with Life. In the future, he would also like to work on a book about his experiences, his visions of the world and the immortality of the bug ;) Finally (perhaps) he found in himself the ability to find the right words to express what he wanted to say in a way that the others would understand. Well, or maybe not ;) The whole thing could end up in a fiasco. There are always at least 2 options ;) Trtuth is, he hated poems from the bottom of his heart. He always suffered when he had to write a reflection or a school paper in school. A man just develops at any moment, assuming he wants to. The environment that tries to force a change in a person's personality in a violent way (verbal or non-verbal) usually fails because everyone has a his own head. He even thinks it might have the opposite effect. The environment can make a maximum contribution to awareness and self-reflection, but the will for change must come from himself ;) Even so, the greatest reach that man has is on himself. So you don't want the world to change. First of all, try to change yourself. On the one hand, the world will change (the way you see it), and on the other, you will see a way to help others ;)
He holds people in high esteem if he finds in them a shred of intelligence and common sense. If there's even a logical thinking, he is in some kind of nirvana. And also, do you know this one? The optimist believes it will be all right, the pessimist fears it might be true. And also: The pessimist sees the darkness in the tunnel, the optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel, the realist sees already the train and the train driver sees three morons on the tracks ;)
In past he looked for all the bad qualities that were in him, that he somehow hated. He was trying to do something about it. Because he assumed it is important. But it's not so easy as it looks. And even he has at least a million mistakes (of which he knows, of which he does not know are much more) and has decided to become a better person, he now knows that he will never succeed. But also trying is appreciated, isn't it? He's got the rest of his life achieve it. And if he will be successfull in a change even only one negative attribute of himself, he would be very happy, because it would be something, that he envisioned long time ago ;)
Sometimes people thought of him as an optimist-extremist. He was the one who saw the cup as half full rather than half empty, because optimism not only helped him, but also affected his surroundings and perhaps inscrutable but, to him, shaped and influenced them. He believes that everyone want to see bright tomorrows. We humans tend to want the good things, even we are saying and doing the opposite of what we think or want. Well, it's true. Laws are laws. But the laws are here to be broken, aren't they? ;) We should therefore make every effort in life to learn how to be happy, how to show joy, how to show love, how to throw away excessive worries and other useful things. That's what we're here for. Or?
Maybe (but highly unlikely ;) one day he'll become a itinerant preacher and will show people the right way, it means his way. I don't think he attracts anyone, but at least people will laugh on him ;) But you know, after laugh, there is crying, so after the time, people get the point and the reward for merits will fall from heaven ;) He is looking forward to feed on "herbs", "roots", "berries" and "mushrooms", or other "forest fruits" ;)
He believes that youth is the bringer of mornings, and therefore needs to be shaped from a very small point in time so they do not go wild as you can see at every step. I mean, look what's grown out of him ;)
If you look at any headline in newspapers, television news, radio news, or just people talking, any information you receive, you will find a certain similarity (pattern) that is repeated over and over and over again. He thinks it's negativity. Don't you think we have enough? And we're really supposed to believe that people want this kind of negative news? That the good news would be taken out of the audience? Well, he and I don't really get it.
The basic understanding of many of the problems in any discussion is the problem of the individual view of each of us on the issue of discussion. Each man has his own unique path that led him to this moment in time. This includes his experiences, knowledge, prejudices, etc. From which emerges what he is able to see, understand and believe. The point is, if a man is not willing to expand his horizons and he can see and promote only what he wants to see, that's a pretty big problem. One, first of all ,should be opened to new ideas, to the views of other people. Not because he take those views for his own, but to consider them, think about them, to adjust the big picrture. If you throw someone a piece of a puzzle that just doesn't fit into their big picture, they'll fight it with their fingernails. There are people who are so infinitely able to defend their fortress that they build water trenches and catapults and use all kinds of weapons just to keep their posture and their view and their castle from collapsing. But that's only natural, no one wants anyone to interfer with his world. To destroy it, to damage his value system and what is his world was based on. This works for each and every one of us. That's why it's hard to explain to someone who hasn't walked your way (and there isn't another one, just you) what you've found out along the way. Even if it's the most exciting experience or knowledge you can imagine. But they say there's no such thing as failure :) Only insufficient effort :) So what about that? Are we trying too little? :)
His Father and his Mother told him many things. The funny thing is, they kept repeating them until they were put in his head, and now, where he goes, he repeats them. The apple just didn't fall far away from the tree. Illustration: He who disobeys his father, his mother, will fall into ruin ;)
Imagine how terrible it is to lose a loved one. He lost two in one night. He never saw the first one in his life and he'll never see him again. He never knew him, and he won't get the chance. He knew the other one better, but for some reason, he wasn't the only one, the right one and forever. Trust me, it shaked him pretty strongly. He said some unpretty words to God. He highlighted his misplaced sense of humor and irony. I know he was wrong about that, but when you are pissed off, it's always the innocent who will suffer. He cried and moaned. He wore black suit for three days to pay his respects to those special people. To express his feelings, disapproval, even anger, of such a procedure. He's just a sensitive soul ;) Well, whatever. Life goes on and on, even if tractors will fall from the sky;)
When you're not doing well, when thins go to hell, sit on the roadside and the problems will hide ;)
AT LAST BUT NOT LEAST: I think it's important to take out your housekeeper's trash once in a while;)

His faces

so that's how dzI/O sometimes looks...

v4.47 09.02.2024 17:50

Before he become crazy

just before he got hurt...

v1.10 25.05.2018 02:03

Devil outside

he loves sinners and sure you will meet with him...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:00

Too much thinking

or maybe alcohol...

v1.08 25.05.2018 02:00

Frack off

what else can you do in a work...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:00

Happy little man

on a trip to Rome...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:00

Show him your tongue

yes, hes also has a tongue...

v1.06 25.05.2018 02:00

Death man walkin

when we get angry, we'll be bad...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:00

Attack of a diving-duck

when diving-ducks attacks...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:00

Rock fest rulez

he loves rock festivals...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:00

Palm beach is the best

on a trip to Croatia...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:00

What a nice little baby

he loves to sleep...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:01

Smokin' baby, yeah

he loves Ostrava pipes...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Looks like him

on a trip to High Tatras...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Don't wake him up in a work

when he get up too soon in a work...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:01

Yeah, engineer after all

just so so but it happened...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Just another funny fest day

mood graded, graded...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Red as a fire engine

red as an apple...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Little sad

he loves his bed most...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Sad mood

sometimes a depression comes...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:01

It was something very scary

work, what else...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Home comfort is the best

every where is fine, at home there's is best...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Sitting in an aerial railway

on a trip to Skalnaté pleso

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Then he went mental

bus madness...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:01

Bowling can be dangerous

he loves to roll his balls...

v1.06 25.05.2018 02:02

Drinking can kill you, trust him

alcohol is the hub of humanity...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

Some romantic moment

he loves crushes...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

No, he's not a farmer

he does'n love to work on a farm...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

Fuck off paparazzi

all go away...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

Please don't drink and drive

it's dangerous when you drive under the influence...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:02

Tired as a man can be

the fatigue of broken man...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:02

He likes horses very much

horse is his most loved animal...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

Don't like a formal dress

a nice guy...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

One of a sins of his youth

travolta can hide...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

Sitting like a frog on the hill

above tatra's blush...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

What do you want from him?

so what will it be...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:02

Better stop now

don't go closer, or you will see, what you don't want to see...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:02

Chineese look

in China sleeps a dragon, be careful not to wake him up...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:03

Arabic look

tousand and one night...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:03

He can smile whole day

he almost does not bother to laugh...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:03

Bathrobe is the best

to take a good bath is a top...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:03

Shake yourself donkey

why donkeys are stupid...

v1.05 25.05.2018 02:03

Some tooth problem

a teeth fairy is coming for a teeth...

v1.04 25.05.2018 02:03

He tells you once again

for sure: don't come closer...

v1.06 25.05.2018 02:03

Crazy smile

something funny...

v1.08 25.05.2018 02:03

Mood in work

smile at last

v1.08 25.05.2018 02:03


and shaved...

v1.07 29.09.2021 12:20

After all he found out peace

after all that struggle, happy end...

v1.06 12.01.2024 10:04

New dzI/O

after drastic edit...

v1.05 17.01.2024 13:29

dzI/O is relaxing

after stressfull way...

v1.07 09.02.2024 17:50

His poetry

words in rhymes, that came out of him and that are almost from his heart...

v2.70 14.05.2024 03:04

Nástenka (en)

behind mountains and valleys...

v1.09 17.03.2024 07:34

Behind the mountains, valleys,
behind the raspberry bushes,
in the small room is a beautiful woman in the shed,
she got the beauty in her heart into the wreath.

She is trapped in the tower,
surrounded by animals,
the small ducks help her,
when she talks to the sweetheart.

He learns at home all day,
tortures the nut with wisdom,
sometimes clings to eyes,
falls asleep over books.

Her children makes her happy,
she likes their playfulness,with love,
with tender and care,
she always guards them with pleasure.

She is not lucky, she still says,
people lack morals,
unscrupulous grandchildren,
they threaten her with sticks.

Waves live in her hair,
my hands are like boats in them,
it is a treasure - a very rare,
my beautiful little messy.

The little one is? It does not matter,
it's live gold,
my message is flying around the world,
let everyone be careful.

There is not many such nice ones,
don't hurt her even a hair on head,
to protect her from all evil,
will be my mission.

Truly, truly, I tell you,
I certainly do not know a nicer woman,
I can hear the bell ringing in the distance,
but this is not the end yet.

Smile, joy, pleasure,
caress to your heart,
great peace to your soul again,
I will send caramels by post.


wind blows the valley...

v1.05 28.02.2024 15:44

The wind blew down the valley,
in some places it freezes us,
even if we do not get burned today,
it does not spoil our mood.

There in those regions by the Váh River,
the clouds have spread,
the man who has courage,
blows into them with full strength.

Let them just go nicely,
somewhere away from the sun,
because when I come,
I blow on them, they fall apart like a train.

I push the nightmares out of my mind,
I do not worry about any drops,
I remember you again,
when we quack like two frogs.

Just let the humor be close to you,
whether you are tall or small,
Pay attention to the little things,
always enjoy them like a dog.

Laugh like a big fool,
always and everywhere, even on Mondays,
because laughter is a tool,
that cures every time you are sick.

Sick in love, sick at work,
it helps us manage stress,
so take a dose or two,
let it hurt you mouth.

Every evening the sun sits down,
you come home, you are not at the bottom,
you sit in your chair,
you do not indulge in the poetry of The plague-Him.

You wake up again with laughter,
even if you are caught in the moss,
before you close both eyelids,
you peek at the table and there a candle.

The wild flame is already burning,
the candle composed of wax and the gifts of the sea,
the room is illuminated with light,
it paints your mind to white color.


i once met a girl...

v1.04 28.02.2024 15:16

I once met a girl,
whose name was Nástenka,
well, I'm telling you the news,
so this poem was created.

Immediately in the morning of that day, I promised her,
that I would write her verses out of love,
so into the night of the deep one,
here I am writing, refining, without exaggeration.

I would like to get to know her more,
because she revived the love in me,
I feel like flying for to moon,
from the moment she addressed me.

About my sincere love,
here I can write day and night,
I always want to be with her,
when necessary, I will come to help.

My life is suddenly more beautiful,
and I have no more regrets,
and the world rejoices with me,
that I have become a happy man.

As happy as I can be,
I am captivated by the beauty,
that plays in your heart,
and I feel like in paradise. Again.

You created paradise on earth,
I'm crazy about it,
and my life once again has a meaning,
because you occupied my mind.

I hope, I beg all the saints,
to fulfill my desire,
which I carry in my heart now,
we would become YOU + ME forever.

Because my love for you,
will always be like the sky,
so big, blue,pure,
like a beautiful butterfly on a meadow.

Already the lights are going out, it is getting dark,
and the dreamer wakes up from a dream,
let me dream about you,
my beautiful love.


my life is lonely...

v1.04 28.02.2024 18:47

My life is lonely,
and I am not yet at my destination,
but I will not go to the other side,
until I fulfill the love story.

I must always think,
that I would like to be your honey,
your nose, eyes, ears, hair,
have inspired me these words of love.

Your smile, sincere and kind,
gave me another strength,
I would survive this day,
when I feel like a dry stump.

And my heart breaks hard,
because my life is a great torment,
I stand here again and again alone,
only you can be my happiness.

Mountains, forests, broad plains,
today divide our hands,
but one day they will meet, they will unite into one,
I promise you that, my love.

Because I still carry you in my mind,
I am sad and please God,
let me find my way to you at once,
and I will walk to the end of the world.

You are waiting for me in the distance,
and you are sometimes afraid of the black darkness,
I am already riding the white horse,
no wind, no one will catch me.

Through a dusty, bumpy road,
a meadow full of beautiful flowers,
even if it takes many years,
nothing will stop my steps.

I found you my sweet,
my hand handle your hair smoothly,
our hands are joined together,
when I found you at dawn.

My story will not end,
yours will interfere with mine,
and the hand will gently caress your cheeks,
forever, my little princess.

Positive thinking

every time you have to do something for a long time...

v1.05 29.02.2024 21:28

Every time you have to do something for a long time,
your whole life will disgust you,
you think in your mind of the word,
a new time must come.

The time in which everything blooms,
the picture flickers in your mind,
the picture is beautiful pinkish,
the world is so beautiful.

When you build it yourself,
from imagination, dreams and fantasy,
you reset bad thoughts,
thanks to a piece of poetry.

You will also survive the end of the world,
just imagine it,
it will not destroy any problem,
what you are allowed to build.

Even if our life is difficult,
sometimes you feel like taking pills,
you do not play the part of the bad guy,
thus committing an escape.

It is maybe strong coffee,
whenever anger gnaws at you,
breathe it out, close your eyes,
imagine that you are sitting in a coach.

Crowed horses, chestnut ones,
pull it like wild ones,
they will replenish your strength with new ones,
they are dreams, but quite vivid.

Stress comes, maybe presses,
you are not happy about it,
you resist with the last forces,
you do not feel that you are alive.

Nothing for it, do not give up,
give in to optimism,
it will help you in a difficult moment,
even if the jackal in the distance wails.

I write this in a state of well-being,
although the skeptic may hesitate,
about my mental health,
sadness, I will say goodbye forever.

The little princess

the little princess writes from distance...

v1.04 29.02.2024 21:37

The litlle princess writes from a distance,
a message has also come to us from her,
in this message she tells us,
that she does not like to sleep on peas.

She is thrown into prison,
forgotten by the whole world,
her roses bloom in front of the castle,
they guard the impregnable fortress.

All day long she only thinks,
about how at home she is,
everyone known, close to her heart,
and whether they remember her.

The litlle princess is looking for the princ,
Who would write her poems,
And with kisses on the cheeks,
to kindle her hidden passions.

He would deliver her in fact,
and deliver her soul from sorrow,
He would carry her in his arms,
He would tenderly beg for her little hand.

The strigoi cursed her,
She waited not for the prince's help,
who would have set her free,
to give her a new hope.

I'm already looking for you, don't worry,
there's gonna be a big fight,
you ask why?
I'll strike her down with a sharp sword.

The curse will disappear, the magic will vanish,
I'll lay gifts at your feet,
my body, my heart, my soul,
Amen thou shalt say to the restlessness.

You'll thank me with a kiss,
You'll return my feelings,
We hold each other, hand in hand,
You'll never give in to torture again.

Like every fairy tale,
that puts your eyes to sleep,
This one's tail is wagging,
Let us be happy till we die.

My mind

in the morning, when I drift away from sleep...

v1.04 29.02.2024 21:39

In the morning, when I drift away from sleep,
I brush my teeth, I brush my hair,
You occupy my mind,
like a fidgety little gopher.

I've been waiting all day just for this,
for you to write me two or three words,
I pretend I'm working hard,
You don't write and my mind groans.

Sunshine when it's already parting,
my head's just buzzing,
I feel like a sick patient,
It's like a nightmare.

In the evening, when I torture the bed again,
I will not teach my head,
to stop thinking of you,
and give myself to dreams for a while.

I'm tossing about like such a fish,
that has landed on land,
when I miss Your little person,
so beautiful and so dear.

I'm squirming like such a hamster,
I'm not the master of my eyelids,
Though the darkness is sacklike,
Thy image wavers before me.

I see your cheeks clearly,
my eyes like colored glasses,
shining into the thick darkness,
In a room otherwise quite deserted.

I would like to hold you in my arms,
before the rain starts again,
I'd like to meet you,
to comfort you with my tenderness.

I don't want to breathe without you,
whether you laugh or sneeze
I'll ask you directly,
what pajama size do you want?

Three hundred and sixty-five days a year,
I just want to be by your side,
Let my mind rest,
and let my life find meaning.

Your yes

i can't sleep so I'm thinking...

v1.04 01.03.2024 18:19

I can't sleep so I'm thinking,
I have no peace,
My mind is in turmoil,
I miss my beautiful flower.

A daisy in bloom,
clinging to my heart,
I search my mind for the right words,
That will suit your hearing.

About the feelings inside me,
it's almost three-quarter to three,
but the sun hasn't risen yet,
and sleep still hasn't come,

I don't know what's happening to me,
Both my hands are shaking,
It's pouring outside like a puddle,
and strange noises in the distance.

The old familiar feelings,
my heart is half breaking,
When I can't be with the one I love,
I seriously don't even feel like living.

Without you, I think I'm gonna die here,
I'm desperate, that's all I know,
I only want you, no one else ,
so don't blame me.

Everything reminds me of you,
I'm looking for the truth in a drop of wine,
Answers to the questions ,
if you feel a little bit of love too.

About that weird person of mine,
and certainly not infallible,
but determined to survive with you,
a lifetime, trust me.

I feel like there's no help for me,
I am forever in your power,
Outside the window the morning is waking up,
I long for your yes.

So please answer me in the affirmative,
Let not my heart wither,
and my longing shall not grow cold,
Let me feel no more low.

Today's man

today's man is still just thinking...

v1.04 01.03.2024 18:29

Today's man is still just thinking,
how he'd get everything easy,
without effort, without movement,
especially if it takes a short time.

If only he'd try harder,
not just lie around crying all the time,
waiting for the pigeons,
to fly into his mouth.

It's our nature,
doing nothing, crying all the time,
common sense falters,
he'll be slacking off at work again.

The best is on the couch,
but he himself is a gypsy,
that this cannot be moved,
and it's hard to bend your back.

Swim with the current, that's it,
your waist will go slack,
listening to lies, promises,
of those who are complacent.

Nobody can give that much,
as much as I can promise,
try to remember this,
before you vote again.

The only dream of the blue, yellow...
is to play in the sandbox,
and their pockets full,
to get even more profit.

They don't give a damn about the common people,
and they will not find peace of mind,
until they have devoured the whole mound,
I would smash their heads with a rock.

That's them, we know them,
worse than that thirsty monk,
who preaches water and drinks wine,
and makes the sheep drunk.

It's no use, my people,
A knight in golden armour has come,
He will draw the net into the water,
and pulls the fish out of the stream.


i'm in the lion's den again...

v1.04 02.03.2024 19:57

I'm in the lion's den again,
and at night I dream only of her,
The beauty of it has enchanted me,
It's etched in my memory.

The emptiness fills me,
The moon peeps from afar,
wondering and feverish,
The loneliness is here again.

Terrifying and fierce,
It's like the season of Lent,
when you must deny yourself,
Your stomach will be in knots.

Life is empty without You,
soulless and quite dull,
it has no meaning at all,
I wish I'd hang on sooner.

Why aren't you with me now,
I confide in You with a humble longing,
Please come and be my everything,
Forget what has gone before.

Outwardly I may laugh,
I pretend I can handle it all,
But inside I'm smoldering,
Somebody's gonna put me out, I guess.

A fire that burns forever,
only that which carries even the mountains,
and gives meaning to our existence,
When it comes, it stays forever.

Please become a fireman,
who will save me from the fire,
that burns, chokes, kills me,
Let the pit in the earth still wait.

I've burned almost all of me,
My heart will not mend,
and the sorrow eats me up,
and I'm left only with faith.

Please drop your mask,
I offer you love,
in its purest form,
do this please for me.

Puzzle (en)

i wander back and forth in the night...

v1.05 14.05.2024 03:04

I wander back and forth in the night,
I don't know myself,
looking for pieces of the mosaic,
piecing them together, sewing them into flags.

A piece of familiarity forms a puzzle,
though I wish no one ill,
I'm here in spite of this sentence,
I'm locked up like in the ghetto.

I wish I'd divulged it,
I'd betray the whole branch,
that's why I have to keep everything secret,
to defend this side of the coin.

What was essential is,
though everything is yours,
you can create the future,
even if you're going to torture yourself with it.

How it will be no one knows,
maybe someone will eat the apple,
will then suspect, understand,
he'll snore hard at night.

Just like me, just like you,
and if the clouds come,
and if the sun burns
you'll always be misty.

In today's information age,
fast-paced but quite miraculous,
a piece of Lego will stick,
build a house of cards.

A house that stands firm,
Before the breeze it will stand
It won't give in to the elements
With a sensitive approach.

I wish all my children,
to follow their light,
firmly, firmly, with dignity,
don't just stand there out of boredom.

I wish everyone a lot of love,
let there be no wrinkles,
And smile forever on your face,
Even though it may be dangerous.


i'm here like among the wolves...

v1.07 30.03.2024 02:37

I'm here like I'm among wolves,
They're beating me, beating me hard,
I've tasted the vine,
and sometimes I cry.

I walk about in the daytime,
I avoid quarrel and strife,
I'm not in the mood for show,
and I will not yield to great treachery.

I sleep at night and stay awake during the day,
I drink a little, I eat a little,
smoke a cigarette now and then,
I smell the smog in my lungs.

I am not an infallible person,
but I try to stay diligent,
to help where I'm needed,
I don't want to live for myself.

To look for wrongs in this world,
to right them in a holy way,
God will assist me,
even when they resist.

I want to be his right hand,
even though I suffer torment at times,
I can't do it any other way,
He trusts me, he knows me though.

I would like to be free again,
fly like a butterfly,
admire the beauty of the world,
enjoy the cold, the summer.

Come that Spirit of truth to me,
that I may behave wisely,
to help those who grope,
in the thick darkness without a parachute.

This is what my soul wants,
the devil not tempts me anymore,
I will not be his servant,
Let him weep over my monument.

I have a lot of work ahead of me,
But God is with me forever,
His will will be done,
it's the bowl full of fruit.

Again dzI/O

i found myself thanks to people...

v1.04 11.03.2024 03:04

I found myself thanks to people,
it was not at all peaceful,
the time of thinking is over now,
I became a man again.

Vigorous, austere, again dzI/O,
I will get on my clio,
I will discover the world again,
so I will recover.

Alone as a soldier against the wind,
I will fight the mills,
against double standards,
I will try to score forever.

I will discover the fountain of love,
I will ignite the fire in myself,
with this fire.
I will burn everything that tries to pretend.

Love only is the strength in me
that makes me behave skillfully
it is the engine of my mind hollow,
and the medicine of that grumpy face.

Love for a woman,
love for God,
I want to love them even in a stack,
in a soft, fragrant straw,

I only care about her. Love pure,
in a pure form,
let's not let sin go here,
a white flower, like a lily,

I always like to get drunk with it.
It is an addictive drug,
perhaps it will raise a man out of me,
a man who always stands up when the devil stands before him.

I will be here and I will be there,
I will go through the world here and there,
I will carry the happiness with me,
the Lord God with me to pray for it.

The whole world will be happy when.
I will be healing with laughter again,
I declare a war to sorrow,
it will receive a charm from me.


road long, bumpy...

v1.05 11.03.2024 02:08

The road is long, bumpy,
waiting for me and my brother,
I hope I'll make it, I secretly hope,
I won't succumb to the heavy bonds.

Outside the sun is shining beautifully,
The sky is like a stream in a net,
beautiful, clear, cloudless,
It's like a big puddle.

Peace in the soul, spirit in the body,
I breathe clean air through my nose,
my lungs are cleaned by the breeze,
My eyes are closed by sleep.

My whole person is happy,
It feels very good,
Love dwells in me again,
though it's hiding there.

My feelings behind bars,
They can't go out with us,
They're like in a prison,
I miss a woman's touch.

A beautiful woman, a dream woman,
My eyes are on her again,
My love for this woman,
will chase away the clouds from my soul.

Although a tear on the edge of my eye,
is running down my cheek,
I won't give up, I'll say it again,
I will right the wrongs of the world.

I don't want to be alone without her,
I'll leave my sorrow in the walls,
I'll go straight to her,
I've got a prick at my heart.

I'll not be troubled idly,
I'll fly like an eagle bird,
I'll give love away,
and rarely swear.

I'll walk with a firm step,
Till year meets year again,
I'll sleep no more, I'll wake no more,
i'll try to see the right way.


thank you heavenly powers...

v1.05 11.03.2024 02:17

Thank you heavenly powers,
a miracle very dear has happened,
I praise the blissful moment,
I have discovered her - the Woman.

She has a chocolate in her hair,
Her mouth is sweet,
She's looking for something in this world,
romance? That's what she likes.

The ripples adorn her brown locks,
The breeze makes magic with them,
A beautiful smile adorns her lips,
is this beauty's forte.

My boats found the ripples,
they're making ripples, ripples,
They're as soft as cotton,
or sweet stuffing.

Sometimes her little hands tremble,
Her little finger, that's without a hoop,
She loves the mountains, the woods, too,
She's found a friend in me.

Often she falls to the ground from a height,
She's very young for her age,
She secretly collects bruises,
does some animal make them for her?

My boats found the ripples,
they're making ripples, ripples,
They're as soft as cotton,
or sweet stuffing.

she fills life with novelty,
in summer she's offen enjoying the sun,
she destroys cruel wounds with laughter,
It's the daily cure.

Perverts crave she,
when she wanders alone through the night,
They circle around her like wildlings,
I'll protect her with a higher power.

I will give her my hand,
I will not hurt with my power,
I will not give her up to unrest,
when she becomes my beloved.

We shall remain together forever,
Our souls shall become one,
We'll overcome every misfortune,
through the summer and in January too.


love sometimes be cruel...

v1.05 19.03.2024 19:27

Love is sometimes cruel,
it deals two or three blows below the waist,
the hands are heavy with powerful chains,
it will remain in us forever.

It will hurt, it will burn,
sometimes it will be scorching you,
but follow her, follow her voice,
let it become your compass.

No tears, do not be sad,
for your unhappy love,
the reaper will not taste your pain,
listen to my advice.

Time is a powerful healer,
it will also heal your wounds,
it will pass through the soul,
it will pass through the body, all unrest will disappear.

It will help you,
I firmly believe, as it has many before,
it will caress you, like a feather,when it is bad,
so always lead with it.

Do not give up, keep fighting,
you will see, it is worth it,
despite the very small chance,
you will one day have your honey.

My beauty, child of the sun,
smile at this world,
your smile is like a wave from the sea,
there is no more beautiful under the sun.

Give it to us, again and again,
do not bury your hope,
love will come, maybe new,
hide the sadness forever.

It will be better, the time will come,
you will meet your beloved again,
you will stay together forever,
you will overcome every misfortune.

Hang on a little while longer,
until a new hope comes,
you will run a mile with it,
you will bloom like a rose again.

We greets, thanks and please...

thank you our Creator...

v1.09 19.03.2024 19:35

Thank you, our Creator,
I want to be an eternal friend with you,
you gave us the life,
then you hide somewhere.

I love you, dear God,
I do not want to be on knives with you.
My will may help,
your will may happen.

Thank you, Holy Spirit,
that my spirit will no longer be wiped out.
Although the devil always tempts,
hopefully my soul will remain pure.

Greetings to you, Mr. Universe,
may there be peace everywhere on Earth.
We ask for drinking water, we ask for fertile soil,
let us breathe only clean air, the Holy Spirit helps us.

We had enough food,
and the water never lacked,
we wish to work peacefully during the day,
and sleep peacefully at night.
Let the sun give strength to the creation
and the rain at night sprinkles flora.

Hello also you grandma + grandpa,
thank you for everything.
I know that you would give everything,
let us not lack the the reason, the heart.

I greet you dear Mother,
even in heaven do not close the door before me.
Thank you dear Father,
for the amount of your work.

I greet you, sisters, brothers,
we will be here together until the vintage.
Let us be friends, let us be sociable,
so we will become stiff.

Dear Woman, my love,
before God you have become mine,
I promised you eternal love,
I have already found my beauty.

You, my beautiful children,
I compose these poems for you,
I love you all very much,
I want to be a friend forever.

Friends, we are close,
whether you are big or low.
You are here for me, i am here for you,
I would not scratch a hair on your head.

Those who i do not know, which are from the nation,
I wish you a lot of peace from my heart.
Because tooth for tooth and old habits,
hopefully will exchange once beautiful love touches.

Please God,
let the evil-spirits forget about it.
If they need help, they can always contact us.
We will try to help them,
to breathe black smoke from their lungs.

- - -

Why is one looking for paradise?
and building some airy castles?
Let him prefer sweet tea,
and he will find the beauty of pure love.

And how much love would it take
to know forever gold in beauty?
In the beauty that surrounds us,
a hill of beauty offers its meaning.

Whoever wants paradise will also find on Earth
who is trying to live as a Human,
the dwelling place is already in Heaven,
and thus begins his golden age.

Men, women, children

men, women, words, acts...

v1.05 19.03.2024 19:40

Men, women, words, acts,
more beautiful than those forget-me-nots,
when they are together hand in hand,
they will no longer succumb to any torment.

Let a man find a woman out of love,
let a woman feel love for him,
let them live together, one body,
let them always walk forward boldly,
let them not hide anything from each other,
that's the direct path to paradise.

Let them not look for any quarrels,
and take care of their children,
showing them the right way,
freeing their minds.

Let parents protect them with their body,
from any enemy,
protect them from danger,
and teach them foreign languages.

Our father

who came among us...

v1.12 19.03.2024 16:03

Now i will be prophesy the future ;)
I'm saying :
Our Father, who came among us,
Thy name hath been hallowed,
Thy kingdom has come,
Thy will is done on earth as it is in heaven,
Our daily bread we eat today,
and our trespasses are forgiven,
for we also have forgiven our debtors,
we are not tempted,
and we have done away with evil...


whole night i am dreaming...

v1.08 19.03.2024 19:43

I'm dreaming the whole night,
with my virtual love,
still hiding from me,
I play hide and seek with her.

There's a lot of hiding places in the dream,
where one can hide,
The search will not be quelled,
until I can hug her.

Let it become a reality,
I long only for this goal,
even if it's under a shell,
My dream is all white.

You've captivated me with your beauty,
Only you can be my salvation,
I want to know your smile someday,
I want to hold your hand to mine.

From the moment I met you,
The whole world seems more beautiful to me,
The moment I hold you,
and we'll be somewhere alone.

You can imagine me,
as I can you,
Our love will always be cherished,
like the star I brought you from heaven.

Come plesae to me, let us be together,
Let us overcome every misfortune,
I always want to be there just for you,
We'll withstand trouble if we have to.

I don't know your face,
But your heart is close to mine,
so finally meet me.
Don't you ever say I'm cold again ;)

Maybe you're playing hardball,
and you're hiding your insides,
we'll send the devil to the hell,
That's our destiny, my darling.

When we meet at last,
you'll know your love in me,
We'll put all our sorrows aside,
I'll have my beauty one day.


i'm tired, i have no strength...

v1.07 19.03.2024 19:45

I'm tired, I have no strength,
I'd sleep and drink tea,
The sun is shining beautifully outside,
greeting its children.

Children of the sun, fruits of the earth,
men and all the women too,
they are all children of God,
my left foot tells me.

I wish they would stop for a time,
to rest for a while,
and look up to heaven,
and speak their tenderness to him.

Its beauty, peace of mind,
they put on display for admiration,
they don't do it, why I have no idea,
wonder therefore, man wonder.

A beautiful dream I am dreaming now,
Of bars, however, I still perceive here,
I can't make it come true,
I hope someone won't destroy it.

The energy is radiating from me,
Both my ears are burning,
My face is red hot,
A woman has appeared in my life.

She is a very competent woman,
My face is hot,
and my palm would like to caress her,
before she goes back to eating.

Let her just burp, she grows to the world,
We'll make an enlightenment here,
about what is wisdom, love,
hopefully you'll drop that mask.

The mask that hides everything,
For all this, the world is so lame,
For everyone is hiding what they have,
I'm missing the naked truth.

Show the world forever,
what's hidden somewhere inside you,
and all presses will be ended,
Then I'll make an omelette.

The little swans

the little swans were swimming on the pond...

v1.06 19.03.2024 19:56

The little swans were swimming on the pond,
when suddenly the jackals came to the shore,
and the swans were drooling,
Watch out! lest they catch you.

The jackals are having a taste,
They'd like to have some of that delicacy,
two legs in cream,
they jumped quite unexpectedly.

The swans took to the skies,
laughed to the jackals,
hiding their tenderness,
The jackals shut their teeth.

But the jackals are still lurking,
waiting for the right moment,
The swans were on the edge,
They could have made a good lunch.

The little swan swings hard,
always thinking about who she is,
even though the wings are weighed down by the shackles,
she always likes to laugh.

She prefers tasty fish,
she won't succumb to bird flu,
she spreads her wings,
she shakes the feathers out of her wings.

For lunch, he cooks jadkas,
it's a very sweet dish,
one that's very tasty,
i'm not really sad anymore.

I am very fond of doves,
they're noble creatures,
according to the newspaper of new mention,
they have made their bed in the hay.

In the soft hay mice, ladybirds,
they draw beautiful dreams for her there,
we'll send her little songs,
let her have more beautiful thoughts.

Swallows have flown down from the Tatra mountains,
They're pulling on the valley floor,
They've missed their homeland,
And so they are going to the seaside.


about life journey...

v1.32 31.03.2024 00:48

Every day... make choices that change your destiny and the destiny of others. No matter how much you would like it. Sometimes in such an insidious way that it hurts. You say one word and it moves your life in a direction you never wanted to go. You take one breath and someone breathes his last. You leap into the air like a beautiful young doe and a thousand other destinies must bow to the ground. You cry out and a million souls must be silent. You haven't the fainest idea where your journey will take you. If you cross someone else's. You just stumble from place to place, and time goes on forever...
Second by second...
...that relentless time rolls on, which has no mercy on the undecided. The mind thinks, the body acts, the heart aches. You do what you must, you want what you don't have, what you have you don't value, what you value, despises you. It's an endless vicious cycle of feelings, desires, passions, pains and a few bright moments that temporarily comfort your soul in this sad selfish world that seems to be ruled by mammon. This is life. In a deeply depressed state, you wonder if there is anything in the world that could make you happy, that could fulfill your life. When you figure that out, a secondary but much bigger problem occurs - how to achieve it? And so you go after that wonderful dream goal...
When you already think...
...that you've finally found it and you're looking forward to it like a little kid, suddenly it's gone. Just like that. Without warning or preparation. Your life energy and strength mixes with the emptiness left after a beautiful dream. You feel like you're falling and you'll never catch up. It's an unbearable feeling. You'd like to be end it all. But you can't. You grab hold of some clue and scramble back to the top. A different peak, better but rougher and more insidious to reach. Now you know that a climbing trip like this can end very badly. But you climb anyway. You don't give up, you have some experience. But rocks can be treacherous. Not many people make it to the top...
Why... worry about what cannot be changed? Why worry about what will also solve itself? It's no use. I can't take it anymore. I am, therefore i think and I don't think I am anymore. I'm no longer that happy and carefree person just because I've been loved and loved to death. That skeletal toothy monster won't come, but you won't go to meet it. In the depths of your soul slumbers the hope that you will someday find a mountain to scramble up with your ears scraped off, and there you will stay until you turn to dust and merge with the endless ether, happy forever...

Don't judge, if you don't wanna be judged

thoughts about meaningfullnes of such thing...

v1.69 06.05.2024 01:53

Episode 1 - Action and reaction
Stefan was returning home tired after a day's shift at the tyre factory. He was startled by an open door on his apartment and at that moment he began to feel an unpleasant sensation that maximized its effect in his abdominal area. When he went in, he almost fell off his feet. He could not believe his own eyes. A man - a murderer - was bent over the lifeless body of his son. There was blood all around. The murderer was also
covered in blood, holding a knife - the murder weapon. In the corner of the room two more of Stefan's frightened children were huddled together, crying. A scene straight out of a horror movie...
What will Stephen do? What would you do?
As soon as he recovered from the frightening scene after a few moments, the only option he could think of was the one he obviously had. Rage entered him, and he was completely overcome by amusement. Adrenaline began to build up in his blood. Everything around him began to fade away. All he could see was his dead son and his murderer. The killer. That son of a bitch. Ignoring the potential danger inherent in the armed man standing in front of him he decided in a hundredth of a second - I'm going to kill this man. He held court and was about to take justice into his own hands. He became judge and executioner in
one person...
Episode 2 – Faith
Stephen, in all his fury, was about to lash out at the man who had robbed him of a loved one. To leap out,
arms outstretched, determined to take revenge on the throat of the criminal who stood before him. To
suffocate... Choke... To rob the killer of the ability to breathe was his only desire, the only thing on his
mind. He saw nothing else. Nothing else he wanted. Only revenge. An eye for an eye...

"Wait man..." - The man-killer tried to get out of himself at speed.
"I know what it looks like, but... Don't rush... I was just passing by your apartment, the door was
ajar and strange voices and wailing could be heard coming from the apartment. So I went in. I saw a man stabbed to death on the floor, so I tried to save him. I gave him first aid, tried to stop the bleeding but it was too late..."

Stephen paused...

Is that possible? Is the man telling the truth? I could have killed an innocent man... I could have taken it out on someone who was trying to help my son. But when everything looked so clear at first glance. A killer with a knife in his hand. Stefan's son's blood everywhere...
Where is the truth? Who would believe the man's version? It is a man's word against all the evidence that testifies against him. How would his word stand up in a real court of law with all that evidence?
There are two out of four options to consider before making a decision:

1. The murderer is telling the truth, but we don't believe him and we carry out the trial...

2. The murderer lies but we believe him and let him go...
Stephen looked at his 2 crying children, who could hardly nod their heads to confirm the murderer's
Episode 3 - The Final Proof
At that moment it occurred to Stephen: The camera. Yes, the camera...
He had it installed after they'd been robbed a couple of times...
I have to see that footage. I have to find out what happened here...
Almost without thinking, he walked over to the hidden panel, opened it, pulled out the tape, and aimed it
at the home video while leaving the others in the room with the dead son.

In cold blood, he slid the tape into the video player, rewound it far enough, and pressed the play button...
What he saw on the screen almost made him vomit up his lunch.
He saw murder - cold-blooded, heartless murder.
So much hatred, so much crying, so much blood.
He saw his children in the midst of that horrific scene and the man who had caused it all.
The man who played the lead role in that horrific scene.
The murderer who stabbed and slashed without apparent emotion or remorse.
A man - a murderer - who only minutes before had claimed his innocence in this situation.
The man who forced two other children to testify to his words under threat of death.
Him, whom Stephen believed to be innocent.
Now there is no doubt. At that point, Stephen didn't need anything else.
The blood inside him was boiling.
He ran out of the room and completed his initial plan.
Two bodies lay on the floor.
Episode 4 - Measure of Responsibility
Stephen was sitting on the floor, wrapping his arms around his dead son.
He wasn't crying, you couldn't call it crying - he was wailing, screaming, despairing.
He looked around.
He saw the body of the man - the murderer who had caused all this.
He hated him. He despised him. He would have liked to kill him a thousand more times.
He felt pain but also a kind of relief.
For justice had been served.
An eye for an eye...
It was confirmed again...
This universal rule works perfectly.

Especially in moments when one is under pressure.
In situations when one acts impulsively, without thinking, even instinctively.
Then this rule is applied almost intuitively.
However, the fact that Stephen decided as he did left many unanswered questions...
Did the killer of Stephen's son deserve to die? Did only he deserve to die or did someone else deserve to die as well?

1. What if the killer was a hired assassin? What would happen to the person who ordered the murder? Who has what level of responsibility for this murder?

2. What if the murderer was a soldier who was ONLY following orders? Then what level of
responsibility does the person who gave the order, or the President - Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces – have?

3. What degree of responsibility would a person have - a madman who does not know what he is
doing at certain moments, who is out of it at that moment, and the supervising physician who
allowed such a person to escape from the institution?

4. What responsibility would a man "possessed by the devil" have? A man who does not act of his own volition? Whose actions are directed by some dark force?

5. How would you treat a man-eater who hadn't eaten anything for 2 months and just needed
something to eat? To an ogre who didn't realize he had done something wrong?
Stephen will never know some things.
He will never know why his son had to die. And it will torment him incredibly, for the (short) rest of his
Episode 5 – Why
... did it have to happen?
Why wasn't I home earlier?
Why couldn't I have prevented it?
Why did God let this happen?
Why... why... why... why...
A million Stephen whys and no answers...


The killer was sitting on the sofa, staring into space.
He decided.
I'll do it.
There's no other way.
I'll kill him.
In cold blood and without mercy.
He took a knife from the kitchen counter and tucked it into his belt.
He ran out into the street and boarded the bus that would take him to the spot where he was going to carry
out the premeditated murder.
He didn't think, just stared darkly into space.
He was as empty as only a man can be.
The emptiness enveloped him all over.
The emptiness caused by a bitter moment in his life.
A moment in which he lost a loved one.
His son - the only son he loved above all else.
The one who caused this must die
I'll kill him - that son of a bitch.
I'll come and cut him up like a chicken.
An eye for an eye...

Stephen's son must die.
Episode 6 - The Circle Closes
In life there are many questions and few answers...


A basic question that can reveal many...
...if one were to deal with this question before coming to a certain conclusion, a certain decision, a certain action...

Why did Stephen's son have to die...
Why the murderer...
And why the murderer's son...

Why did Stephen's son actually kill the murderer's son?
Was it murder?
An accident?
It was an accident.
Car accident?
What happened? Was Stephen's son intoxicated after coming home late from a party?
He was drunk? No. He was completely sober.
He didn't see him because he was lying in the road drunk and ran him over?
No, he didn't.
The car became uncontrollable and Stephen's son lost control of it?
Did he get a flat tire? Was it caused by the glass from the bottle that Demeter broke last night?
Was it a technical defect in the tyre?
Was it already heavily worn and unfit for service? Is Stefan's son responsible
No. The tyres were new. They were changed just before the accident.
So is a defective tyre responsible for the accident? A material defect? A problem in the manufacturing
Is the factory manager responsible? The machine that made it? The output inspector?
Stephen was at the tyre factory about to check the last tyre before the end of his shift. But then his phone rang. He left everything as it was. It was his son calling. He wanted to show off - he had bought an older used car. He wanted to test drive it, and he wanted to give his father, who had helped him considerably financially to buy it, a ride in it. Stephen went to the manager after he hung up the phone. He arranged a holiday...

The last tyre was left in the machine for testing. There it lay, quietly awaiting its fate...


the killer's son, killed in a car crash...
Stephen's son, killed by the killer...
the murderer, killed by Stephen...

and the story at the beginning of which Stephen stood...


So who is responsible for the death of four people?

Yes, four...

Stephen had to die too... Because the killer had a father... A father who lost his son...
who followed exactly the same formula...
according to the exact formula...
An eye for an eye...
Epiloque - The Conclusion?
Let everyone draw their own conclusions...

A few guidelines...

1. It is difficult, if not impossible, to judge fairly unless we know all the facts...
(and who knows them all? really all? who is omniscient?)

2. The degree of responsibility is important...
(as the one being judged need not always be fully responsible)

3. The depth of the examined is important...
(and wouldn't we get to the primordial beginning of existence after examining the facts as thoroughly as possible? Who would dare to accuse such a creator, for example?
after all, if he hadn't created us, or if there hadn't been a big-bang, none of what happened would have happened)

4. The personal attitude of those involved and the human factor plays a role in any judgment
(especially if the case personally affects the person who is judging, not to mention that justice may be blind but it cannot be perfectly represented by man no matter how hard he tries)

5. The motives are interesting to say the least...
(if Stephen kills the murderer because he killed his son
= if the murderer kills Stephen's son because he killed his son
= if the murderer's father kills Stephen because he killed his son)

and most importantly:

is definitely the road to ruin...


and if we keep following this rule, there will always be some father whose son we have killed...

if only one Father would break the cycle...
and I really have no idea what we would do without Him...

Chicken or egg?

just a simple algorithm...

v1.45 10.05.2024 03:43

An algorithm that, in part, offers a solution to this seemingly intractable question.
As an analyst-programmer I have to believe that every problem (task, problem) is solvable = describable.
Solving a problem, consists in describing the steps leading to a desired (desired) result, given the input conditions. The sequence of such steps is called by those familiar with the problem the crazy word algorithm. The procedure for determining an algorithm can be applied to any task, so it does not have to concern only such a highly specific activity as the creation of software for the IT industry.
Task assignment:
Answer the question, which came first: the chicken or the egg?
Unknown - our (but basically every) algorithm must try to cover all conceivable possibilities that can
(could) occur.
Output conditions:
The answer to the given question must be supported by logical reasoning.
[ start of algorithm ]
Am I a creationist?
Answer: Chicken

Reason: Since I believe that everything was created by God, therefore the universe, the earth, man and animals were created by God, therefore the chicken was created by God. Therefore, the chicken was before an egg.

[ end of algorithm ]
Am I an evolutionist?
Answer: Egg

Rationale: Since I believe in evolution, I have to assume a point in history when the animal in question was not yet a chicken, but the next generation is already considered a chicken. The beginning of a new generation is characterized by an egg.

[ end of algorithm ]
I believe we live in a matrix?
Answer: Question has no mening

Rationale: Since we live in a matrix, none of what we see really exists. We don't even exist, everything is just virtual reality. Therefore, there is no chicken or egg and the question is meaningless.

[ end of algorithm ]
Am I a follower of Chuck Norris?
Answer: First there was Chuck Norris

Rationale: A follower of Chuck Norris doesn't need to justify this fact as it is considered dogma. Chuck
Norris later peed on a chicken, which hatched into an egg.

[ end of algorithm ]
Answer: The question cannot be answered

Rationale: I probably don't know what I believe, so I am unable to answer the question posed.

[end of algorithm]
You may be surprised that the algorithm can evaluate the given question (assignment) in multiple ways, i.e., that the answers vary based on the assumption that is satisfied. This fact is due to the fact that the input conditions are not defined. But if they were defined (we would know which of the options is the right one), perhaps there would be no need to solve such an algorithm, right?

And now, something completely different

little rebus for gray matter torture...

v1.22 10.05.2024 03:45

As my darlings would say...
The woodcutter, a sturdy men, took an axe and went out into the world to try...
But the cursed tree, the mythical one, got in his way, so he told himself: I'll cut you to pieces...
Only poisoned apples were born on it, but people liked them...
And he said, Ye have been fast asleep, but the thunderbolts have stirred you up to awake...
The tree resisted, struggled and trembled, for it was fighting for its life...
A life that benefited from depriving others of it...
He had numbered the days of that tree, though it was as wide as a house...
The axe clenched for the last time, and the tree fell to the ground with a clatter, would do no more harm to
the people of that kingdom...
Who knew it could have such a happy ending. And the woodcutter became king ;) or did he?
PS: As it is in the beginning, there it is now, and always, and for ever and ever ;)
Unless they don't ;)
For he who seeks may well be lost ;)
In translation ;)


after year, christmass comes...

v1.35 10.05.2024 03:39

Mad rushes or calm, a tree, presents under the tree and people who are somehow tied together in stress or joy...
And then there's birthday...
For someone real, for someone imaginary, for someone hated and for someone loved Jesus ;)
Either way...
Try to build bridges instead of burning them...
Try to give more joy than sorrow to everyone around you...
Strive to seek paths of peace instead of paths of struggle...
Try to lend a helping hand if you can, instead of looks of contempt and rejection...
Try to make this world a better place to live...
Try to love and try not to hate...
Because there simply cannot be anything objectionable or undesirable about such an endeavour...
Because in the sentence...
You should love... is more important to think about what is said than who said it...
And that's why I wish you, dear Baby Jesus, a happy holiday:
All the best, lots of gifts, joy, happiness and God's blessings...
May your health serve you and may all your secret wishes come true ;)
Your friend ;)
PS: If you can raise a piece of birthday cake with more than 2000 candles, please send me a piece... I love birthday cakes ;) thank you in advance...

His kingdom

you know what they say: the best at the end...

v8.73 23.09.2024 22:44

v1.13 06.09.2024 14:03

Why he created this world? ;)

thought about creation...

v1.62 26.09.2020 03:04

I think, this is the basic question, that may show us the meaning of life ;)

Because when we discover His intention, then we find out the secret of meaning ;)

I hope only that the answer will not be: BECAUSE HE WAS BORED ;)
Let's asume, that people gave the life many meanings, everyone individually by himself ;)
There are maybe more meanings then creator firstly thought ;)

Because users found many usages of this world ;)
So, this is place where you may realise ;)

If you have a goal, you may go for it ;)
Let's asume this is a playground, where you may play ;)

There are many kind of games and everyone likes something else ;)
If I may choose, definitely it will be some creative game ;)

Game where I may create something ;)

For example a new world ;)

And now we are coming to previous question ;)

Why I would do something like that ;)
At first place I will like to show, that I am able to do that ;)
I will consider it as a challenge ;)

Something like a biggest creation of programmer ;)
My steps will be as follows: I'll take all knowledge that we have about this world and try to get as close as possible to original ;)
But also it will be created as most opened as possible, in order to allow other creators to create own intensions about perfect world ;)
But we have not encountered the meaning yet ;)

What is the connection between CREATOR and the CREATION? ;)
I may say about me, that everything that i've created I consider as my "children" ;)

I take care of my creations, I enlarge them and especially I use them every day ;)
I want that my creations are used in purpose that they were created ;)

If I create new world, I want that the population of this world will discover the environment and fully use potential, which the world will provide ;)
And who knows, maybe I will give them a quest ;)

To find the reason, why the HELL I have created the world ;)

I believe, that they will find a million of reasons, and I then will know, that it was meaningfull ;)
The meaning of life will then be SEARCHING FOR MEANING OF LIFE ;)

v1.11 23.09.2024 22:44

Four states logic

determining verity of expressions...

v1.19 16.06.2018 19:35

Mostly we are using two states logic by considering the expressions...

So there is YES or NO respectively TRUE or FALSE...

But I have defined 4 states logic ;)

MAYBE is disjunction of options YES and NO...

So MAYBE means that YES or NO = we accept both options as suitable...

DON'T KNOW means that i can not decide about verity of the expression ;)


best aproach...

v1.22 16.06.2018 19:45

I've studied many methods how solve complex problems ;)

There are many of them ;)

They are identified by their's advantages and disadvantages ;)

But at last i have decided to pick a method TRY - MISTAKE ;)

It's based on sequential (goal based) iterations through the options ;)

Of course, there can be a failures through the process ;)

But if the goal of iterations is set, then this method will allways come to requested result ;)

Disadvantage may be the time needed for iteration through the options ;)

And of couse the need to accept also temporary failures ;)

But as you know ;)

His philosophy

something about he's seeing the world...

v1.54 30.09.2024 21:13

Why do we need money? ;)
Money only complicates everything ;)

If I want to live somewhere, I need money, if I want to eat, I need money... ;)

But these are all basic necessities of life ;)

And it should be a basic human right to have these needs provided, without the need to "own" money ;)
Let's finally do an evolution of society, there have been enough revolutions already ;)
Let's learn to do SOMETHING because it's meaningful and not because we're being paid to do it ;)

And then we can implement a system without money ;)
I wish to live in a society where I don't have to guard my privacy ;)

On the other hand, I don't even do that ;)

They say he who fears must not enter the forest ;)

And that's why I have posted everything relevant about myself on my personal page :
I wish, every person could write down everything they can think of about themselves and publish it to the world ;)

So that everyone can find out everything relevant about him ;)

I'm trying to lead by example, so I wonder if this effort will lead anywhere ;)

Hold on, I've gotten away with it so far ;)

I'm still here, so my favourite TRY - FAIL method hasn't failed fatally yet ;)

Simulator of everything

at the beginning there was an object, which was of custom class and that class was the God...

v1.83 11.05.2021 02:06


I am also a developer so i tried to look at this (but not only on this) sentence from programmer's point of view ;)

And here is the result ;)
Every system should be descriptable...
Also system of everything...

And that's because i've started a difficult project...

I want to describe a system we live in...
Small introduction into programming...
Nowadays we have discovered object programming.

System (application), which developer develops consists of objects, which have custom properties (variables = can change) and can makes some activities.

We can say that objects can interagate in system...

If we want to define how object looks, we use something called class (type) of object...

It's some kind of specification of object...

Basic environment creates objects based on this specifications...
State system
State system consists of elements and those elements has some states...

That's how i undrestand the concept of the world...

So it's state system, which states are modified in time...

Simulator of such a world is goal of this project...
In life it goes so. In the beginning are things simple and in time they gets more difficult...

Also we developers do so...

We create something simple and then we add to it new functionalities...

System gets more complex...

On top of hierarchy is something and other things are extended from this...

That's because i had defined basic class of the system, which is on the top of hierarchy...

I didn't want to speculate and create some new terms but used something that i knew...

That's because is the basic class of the system named God...

The base for my creation is christianity because i know this religion the best...
What is God like?
God is very simple class. I didn't want to complicate him and that's because i gave him just basic properties like name, description and state.

State is here because i want to affect the rest of system. It takes 2 values : LIVES or NOT LIVES.

God has functions BIG BANG which turn state to LIVES and END which turn state to NOT LIVES.
Life is a change
System needs a dynamics (for changes), so we need another class to do that.

This class is Time.

It's extended of the God class, so it has same properties and we add some others.

From the view of the system, Time will walk and on every step it will change the system.

So, time will know on which step he currently is and will have functions GO and STOP.

Function GO starts the stepper of time.

Function STOP stops the stepper of time.

Objects of Time will be the childrens of the God's objects, so these objects will have references to Time objects.

We have also updated functions BIG BANG and END of class God:

- function BIG BANG will set actual step on all times objects on 0 and fires on them function GO

- function END fires on all times function STOP
God is independent of time...
Space for realisation
Last step in this sprint is creation of class Space.

Class Space is extended from class Time, so it's a timespace.

Objects of type Space are childrens of objects type Time...
And so
I created by this the basic infrastructure...
Actual progress
You can see it on your android device.

Application is at Google Play store.
If you want this simulator became reality, then help please...


for developers all over the world...

v1.23 16.06.2018 20:04

Time has progressed...
Evolution works in way, that from existing creates something new, maybe better...

And so should be also with system of things...

That's because i submit this challenge...

Design and realise new world order...

My creation is based on christianity, because i know this religion best, but you can create also atheist model if you can describe model of working world...
If you dislike something on this world and you have other ideas about how things should be, now you have oportunity...

To create world according to your own ideas...

Show, that you can do it better...

Or just take it like a great opportunity...

Decision is on you...

I already started...

I have promoted this world to System for creating the systems.
To make it more attractive, i'm announcing the contest of best system of things...
What is the purpose of this? ;)
I would like to end this neverending arguing about how the things are ;)

You have everything you need for designing a model of world according to your vision ;)

Whatever with God or without Him ;)

At the end of the day we will sit down and compare our creations ;)

Only one can be a winner ;)

First goal

creation of life...

v1.23 04.10.2019 22:56

First goal, which i want to reach is creation of life...
Game life is two-state, two-dimension automat, which reminds by his behavior development of community of live organisms...
It plays in matrix of cells, which states determines look of game in next step...
User sets the starting configuration and then the game runs automatically by defined rules...
Time in game is discrete, at every step it increase by one...
Game of life is example of system, where simple rules creates complex behavior...
Rules of game:
1. Every live cell with less than two live neighbours will die.

2. Every live cell with two or three live neighbours stay alive.

3. Every live cell with more than three live neighbours will die.

4. Every dead cell with three live neighbours will come to life.
Game of life is inspired from our life...

Only difference is that in real life are the rules more complex...

But principle is the same ;)

Second goal

creation of thoughts...

v1.17 07.03.2022 17:50

As you know, i've started a new project called simulator of everything ;)

By this moment i have created God, Time, Space and Life ;)

And now i want to give some thoughts to those entities ;)

That's because i want to ask you to think about them and define what you know about thouse entities...

For example about God we know, that is out of space and time, because time is a child of god and space is a child of time ;)
I don't need you to participate on creation of program just to talk about God...

Talk about what you know or what you believe...

I will discuss with you and if we meet some resolution, i will try to implement this resolution...

Write please here :
Question of allknowing...
God is on top of object hierarchy, so has in self references to times, which has references to spaces, in which lifes exists...

Lifes consists of live and dead cells...

Teoretically God can access all informations in system by going throug references...

Momentally i don't count with history...

Because i need to create some process to store all informations about states, that system ran through...

That's because there is only actual state of system and informations, that are in the system are accessible by object of God...
By history of the system i mean something like BOOK OF LIFE... Some record about what was...

But God is out of time, so we cannot record some historical informations about him...

That's because his history is undescriptable...

We can say that God knows only his actual attributes...

Also about attributes of God, no one knows who is under him because he is on top of hierarchy and there are no references from lower situated object on object God...

Universe as god's body

about ominpresence..

v1.35 16.06.2018 20:10

On the beginnig there was word, information ;)
If we developers want to describe something, then we use object programming ;)

Class defines what attribues and method object has ;)

It means what characteristics object has and what activities it performs ;)

At the beginning was specified a class, it means creator had its definition ;)

And then it becomes a body ;)

It means that creator had created object of class Universe ;)

It's the only possible, when we say that the god is omnipresent in space ;)

When universe is the body of the god ;)
And also ;)
If we define a class, that describes a human, then this class is extended from class God ;)

Because class God is basic class of the system and all classes are extended from this class ;)

And then we may say that:
God is in every one of us ;)

About WORD, that became a BODY

my explanation of that sentense...

v1.21 16.06.2018 20:12

It is written, that on beginning (when a thought about our reality emerged) was WORD and this WORD was GOD and this WORD was within GOD (creator) ;)

And then as we known, the creator had created our reality ;)

WORD should have the meaning (content) ;)

And we know, that every WORD is defined in dictionary by other WORDS ;)

By some miracle we can then imagine something for this WORD ;)

We understand this WORD and we understand thoughts that are composed from those WORDS ;)

If the WORD was on beginning within the CREATOR and then the BODY became, then i think that the definition of this WORD must be complex ;)

Literally it must be some specification, that allowed to SPIRIT OF JESUS to fully realise in our reality ;)

From the perspective of programmer i think, that the WORD must be a complex information about HUMAN, who later lived with us ;)

Also i want to tell you that, such a specification we call as CLASS ;)

CLASS specifies HOW is the OBJECT and WHAT activities it makes ;)

That's why everyone who is interestes in GOD'S affairs should start to learn about OBJECT PROGRAMMING if he didn't done it yet ;)
I hope that you realised why Jesus can't say this all to his disciples ;)

Because then his disciples didn't know about OBJECT PROGRAMMING ;)

And said, that he could many tell them but they wouldn't accept it ;)

And must come a techaer who will explain everything ;)

Because people in that age weren't prepared for everything that is associated to GOD ;)

Event some terms didn't exist in that age that are needed for understanding of everything ;)

And that's because the world had evolved and the right time had came ;)

Information age must came to make it sense ;)

That's because i tell YOU ;)

Don't read only BIBLE ;)

You need many knowledge form many science discipline to understand GOD'S AFFAIRS

Get to know the WORLD and the knowledge that is spread in it ;)

You need at LEAST general overview ;)

Because there is a meaning WHY creator has given this knowledge into this WORLD ;)
And now about dispute if JESUS is GOD or NOT ;)

I think, that creator when he has defined the WORD GOD, has spoken about he knows about HIM ;)

I assume, that creater perfectly knowed himself and that's because he can described HIMSELF ;)

And if the WORD, which describes creator became a body, we can say, that the creator had entered our reality ;)

Then it becomes a perfect sense when we say that JESUS and HIS FATHER are something like SAME ;)

Structure of concessnious

its components...

v1.11 16.06.2018 20:14

I'm interested about how CONCESSNIOUS works ;)

And that's because i've observed myself ;)

As something in me generates thoughts, then i muset have something like ACTOR

I "HEAR my thouhts in my mind and i understand them - they has some content ;)

So, from this perspective i am such as OBSERVER of my thoughts ;)

And also i understand those thoughts - ONE THAT UNDERSTAND ;)

Other part of me that i will mention that, there is some part of me that DECIDES ;)

In other words something that evalates the thoughts and may decides what he does with the thought ;)

CONSIOUSNESS processes informations from within and from outside and reactions are based on this informations ;)

Those are basic components, as i currently understand it ;)

His applications

applications, that he created in free time...

v4.28 05.10.2024 17:05

Don't go anywhere but go to MaDzi ;)
dzI/O presents unicate information systems, based on framework Univerozum...
Framework Univerozum :
- is framework for rapid development of android and web applications

- is also document oriented information framework

- it can be used to create evidence applications

- document oriented applications consists of views on documents and forms that can be used for showing documents

- it's a mobile (android) solution programmed in Java and also web solution programmed in PHP

- it allows to create many instances of application, where instance presents separated space, where informations are stored and those instances can be shared between users

- it is capable of data synchronisation between devices of user with help of replication process of data, thanks to server id domain
And now, list of applications :
dzI/O's treasury box
Thoughts that came out of dzI/O...

- all you ever didn't want to know about dzI/O and has fear to ask him
- web version of dzI/O's personal documentation :
- android version of dzI/O's personal documentation :
App Documentor
Application Documentor offers evidence of structured information in form of tree...

- multiple projects
- evidence of information in form of tree
- multilanguage support (en, sk)
- export to html
- replication to
App Informer
Application Informer offers evidences of personal information...
- contacts (people, companies)
- passwords (crypted)
- bookmarks
- jokes
- citates
- images
Application Univerozum
- consists of few modules:
Evidences of personal informations...

- personal profile and CV
- attendance
- contacts (people, companies)
- passwords (crypted)
- bookmarks
- jokes
- citates
- images
Calendar events evidences...

- calendar
- day report
- vacations
- birthdays
- events
- notes
- namedays
- holidays
- red letter days
Evidences of personal financial informations...

- account states
- future plans of accounts
- budget
- expenses
- wage decrees
- wages
- parameters for wage computation
Personal documentation...

- tree oriented evidence of structured informations
Work informations evidence...

- customers
- projects
- tasks
- works
- web version of Univerozum application :
- android version of Univerozum application :
Application Dziovina
dzI/O's intranet ;)
- web version of application Dziovina :
- android version of application Dziovina :
- windows version of application Dziovina
Application TimeTracker
personal work agenda

It's your turn

how can you help...

v2.02 19.03.2024 14:43

Every help is appreciated...
His goal is clear...
To create His simulator:
And to acomplish this, resources are needed...
Many resources...
So, if you want and can, send any money, which helps to fullfill dzI/O's treasury box on bank account number :
SK41 1100 000 000 261 872 7972
Swift code :
Account name:
Dziak Maroš, Ing.
Tatra banka, a.s.
Hodžovo námestie 3
811 06 Bratislava 1
Another option of support is through Viamo :
+421 903 343 518
And spread the knowledge about dzI/O's treasury box:
Thank you very much !


the bell is ringing...

v1.50 29.03.2024 08:09

What to append...
Thanks, that you spent time to read this "bullshit", that came out of dzI/O's head...

And don't forget...

As dzI/O's treasury box is constantly changing, so you can find actual version on :
I want to tell you this:
Live long and well and let the force be with you ;)
With greetings...
Your dzI/O's treasury box...
And now you can go to sleep ;)